Welcome to mBraining4success

The Place Where Positive Change Happens

What is mBraining?

mBraining is a new field of human development and understanding, developed by Grant Soosalu and Marvin Oka and written up in a beautiful book available from Amazon (in book or Kindle versions).

From a meta analysis and meta synthesis of hundreds of pieces of literature, Grant and Marvin have developed a set of techniques (mBIT – multiple Brain Integration Techniques) which puts this new knowledge and theory (mBraining) into practice and in 2023 Suzanne Henwood developed mBraining2.0 to bring the field right back up to date.

Dr. Suzanne Henwood

I am the Director of mBraining4Success and the lead coach and trainer (and one of only 2 Master Trainers and Master Coaches in mBIT globally).

My PhD was in professional development, hence my passion for learning and staying up to date and I worked in higher education and development for 25 years, including nearly a decade as an Associate  Professor in Health, which explains my repository of books, book chapters and articles. It probably also explains why you will see me presenting at conferences, summits and on the radio and podcasts.  I love to share about what I do and to share what we now know to help others.

My key values are: Integrity, Authenticity, Quality, Respect, Value, Passion and Fun.  You will recognize these in the way I work.

My Training Services

mBIT Coach Certification Training

Advanced mBIT Training Opportunities

Working With Teams For Radical Change

My Coaching Services

One-on-One Coaching & Professional Supervision

Neuroscience based Coaching

Using a range of coaching skills including NLP, mBIT, Havening,  (and more), mBraining4Success offers transformational coaching partnerships to help you to achieve all you want out of life.

mBIT Coach Certification

A four day programme teaching people to work with head, heart and gut intelligences in work and life. Great for coaches, counsellors, leaders, teachers, healthcare professionals and more.

mBIT Advanced Training

There are a number of options for advanced training including mBraining 2.0 (also open to non mBIT Coaches), mBIT Master Coach, mBIT Trainers and more.

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