Building Credibility and Authenticity for your NLP Practice in India

Do you feel like you have so much to give to the world … But wonder how you will get the world to see it?

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Building Credibility and Authenticity for your NLP Practice in India

Do you feel like you have so much to give to the world … But wonder how you will get the world to see it? With so many NLP Professionals around, how can you have the authority and credibility to let others know you have the experience and skills to bring effective change in the world? 

Over the last decade, NLP has grown significantly in India. There have been hundreds of new NLP Professionals, including NLP Trainers and NLP Master Trainers. However, many of them get their certifications in different ways (online or self-study courses) that are not always up to the mark of a quality NLP Professional. 

And amidst this chaos, many NLP Professionals struggle to stand out and demonstrate their unique quality and experience that could create genuine impact and transformation. 

This is where being a member of ANLP for the last couple of years has significantly helped me. 

Let me share a story that tells you how, specifically.

*I have been working in the field of NLP for over 16 years now. I started early at the age of 17. In my early days of becoming an NLP Trainer, I went to a big global organisation to pitch my NLP-based programs to them in Bangalore.

Imagine, a young kid walking into a large organisation and telling them, “I can help you take your results to the next level.” I wasn’t sure I was going to get that deal. I went in with the mindset that this will be a learning experience for me. 

I had shared my ANLP member profile with them, so they knew I was an authentic NLP Trainer. And to my surprise, that was enough for them to know I could do what I said. I got the deal even without needing a second meeting. 

ANLP is one of the few authentic organisations in the world that holds the highest standards of NLP. That means, you can’t just become a member of ANLP by paying a fee. You will go through a rigorous process and a quality check is in place to ensure that all members of ANLP are skilled professionals with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism.

And that further means that everyone who is a member of ANLP would have the highest level of skills to create authentic and sustainable change in themselves and others. 

Over the last 17 years, I have worked with over 5,000 delegates from over 30+ countries. This includes running my programs in India, Bangladesh, Switzerland, Thailand, South Africa and more. And I have trained over 50+ organizations. 

And partly, the reason for this was because being a member of ANLP allowed my clients to check my ANLP Profile as a Master Trainer, building instant trust in me to be able to provide value and results to them. 

This is not just an online profile - ANLP supports you with a host of tools and resources that will allow you to demonstrate your credibility in an authentic and impactful way. You can learn all about them here 

Nishith Shah
Nishith Shah (member article)

Nishith Shah is an NLP Master Trainer, International Ambassador for ANLP, UK, Coach & Mountaineer.