One Small Scribble Makes For One Giant Leap in Your Well-Being October 26th 2023 Health Journaling is putting pen to paper and writing about what’s on your mind, what’s in your heart, and what’s getting you (or preventing you from)... Continue reading...
The Importance of Downtime and the Default Mode Network October 26th 2023 NLP Considering so much of my work is about self-care, I struggle with downtime. My morning meditation and yoga is shorter some mornings but always (since... Continue reading...
When Deleting, Distorting and Generalising Exacerbates Pain October 26th 2023 Basic NLP We all know we need to delete, distort and generalise the gazillions of bits of information and sensations flying at us all day, every day... Continue reading...
The Banana Phobia October 26th 2023 NLP in Practice Jacqui Flavell [email protected] 12 NLP IN PRACTICE I would overhear someone talking about a phobia and I’d feel anxious and guilty, knowing I could... Continue reading...
How NLP Skills and Practice Can Bring Benefits to the World of the Project Manager October 26th 2023 Business Ihave been an active member of the Association for Project Management (APM) for many years. The APM is the chartered governing body for project management,... Continue reading...
The Power of Mindset Change: Building a GPS for the Mind October 26th 2023 Author Interview Our new book The Power of Mindset Change is the culmination of a fascinating journey for both of us. Robert’s odyssey began in the mid... Continue reading...
Best Practice and the NLP Professional October 26th 2023 Best Practice In the book The NLP Professional (, Karen Falconer sets out some key tips for best practice in an NLP- and heart-led business. Each tip... Continue reading...
Modelling in the Symbolic Domain: The Art of Clean Language October 26th 2023 NLP Conference "A Language question that usually starts coaching or nd what would you like to have happen?“ is the Clean therapy. “I would like the inflammation... Continue reading...
Overcoming Desperation and Despair October 26th 2023 Stories I’d been working with a client, referred by an acquaintance, since November 2020. I was coaching her for negative thoughts, depression, low self-esteem, perfectionism that... Continue reading...
Grittitude: Choose Your Own Life Story July 28th 2023 Author Interview Jacqui Flavell and Kay Woodburn here, and we are excited to share with you our bestselling book, Grittitude: Choose Your Own Life Story, which has... Continue reading...
How to Build a Sustainable Business with NLP July 28th 2023 Business In this article I hope to give you a flavour of my 2023 NLP Conference session of the same name, How to Build a Sustainable... Continue reading...
My Fear of Dogs was a Hundred Times Worse Than Anything Else July 28th 2023 Stories The work we did after she first came to see me helped for a long period of time, but then it wore off. The second... Continue reading...
Win Win Negotiations July 28th 2023 NLP When the UK voted 52% to 48% in favour of Brexit back in 2016, I went back to bed to sob. By 2019, many tears... Continue reading...
Relationship Coaching with NLP July 28th 2023 Coaching Jane and Alex came to see me a number of years ago for some relationship coaching. Their story was one I had heard before and... Continue reading...
Natural Biases: A Curse and a Blessing July 28th 2023 NLP Our cognitive biases are both our curse and our superpower. Everything we do in NLP change processes depends on them… and making sure our clients... Continue reading...
Teaching with NLP July 28th 2023 Education Irecently entered education to experience working in a community-centred organisation with a high social impact. Whilst training to be a business coach, I wanted to... Continue reading...
Creativity and AI July 28th 2023 NLP The hardest part of an article to write is the title and the first sentence. Creative writing courses devote whole lessons to just that. Now... Continue reading...
NLP in a Clinical Setting: The Difference that Makes the Difference July 28th 2023 NLP in Practice When I began working as an acupuncturist in 2014, I had all the skills necessary to help people become well again... or so I thought!... Continue reading...
Reframing AI July 28th 2023 Basic NLP When I was chair of BACP (the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy) Coaching, I used to attend occasional meetings where several coaching bodies got... Continue reading...