ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
ANLP was founded in 1985 and was originally a membership organisation owned and run by its members. Things have changed quite a bit since then...
The Association for NLP was first founded as a membership body in 1985 and was originally a membership organisation owned and run by its members.
Rapport, our NLP industry magazine, was also first published in 1985 and ANLP developed a national conference and other facilities for supporting members. Over the years, various sections of ANLP split away from the main membership body and formed their own specialist organisations: In the late 1990’s, the therapy section became NLPtCA and the conference became an independent conference organisation in its own right.
In 2005, the Association in its original form ceased to exist due to financial difficulties and was taken over by Karen Falconer (nee Moxom), the present CEO. She spent two years rebuilding the organisation and reinstating the membership services such as Rapport and the website, before converting ANLP into a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2008.
ANLP International CIC continues to thrive as an umbrella organisation offering impartial and independent advice and welcoming NLP professionals from a variety of backgrounds.
ANLP was awarded ‘Small Business of the Year’ at the Hertfordshire Business Awards in 2009.
The first volume of ‘Current Research in NLP’ joined ANLP’s flagship publication, ‘Rapport’ magazine, in 2009, and ‘Acuity’, an anthology for shared findings and learnings was published in 2010. Karen’s book, ‘The NLP Professional’ was published in 2011.
In 2017, ANLP welcomed the NLP Conference back under its wing and will continue to run this as an independent, international conference to support and celebrate the NLP community. The 2017 conference hosted the first NLP Awards Charity Gala, a black tie event where the winners of the 2017 NLP Awards were announced. This too has become an annual event in the NLP calendar.
Following on from the 2009 award, ANLP was awarded Best UK Community Interest Company 2020 at the 2020 UK Enterprise Awards, another external recognition of the high standards, operational excellence and continued service of ANLP and the Professional Members they represent.