NLP Master Trainers Only a ‘Master Trainer’ of NLP can deliver NLP Trainers Training and issue an NLP Trainers certificate to an NLP Trainer. Back to Training in NLP Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin What is an NLP Master Trainer Only a ‘Master Trainer’ of NLP, or someone who has reached the equivalent standard within the Professional Guild, IANLP or IN-Instritutes, can deliver NLP Trainers Training and issue an NLP Trainers certificate to an NLP Trainer. There are very few ‘Master Trainers’ because the criteria to become one are vigorous! ANLP continues to work with all the recognised certification bodies in the UK and globally recognised Associations to ensure there is a definitive list of those NLP Trainers who are recognised as being qualified to deliver Trainers Training, certainly in the UK and overseas. If you are proposing to take an NLP Trainers Training course, please ensure that your qualifications will be recognised by the relevant bodies you would like recognition from before you embark on your training course. Many years ago, ANLP worked with all the main UK based organisations to produce a set of criteria which, if met, will enable Trainers to be recognised by ANLP as being able to deliver NLP Trainers Training courses. Please see our web page ‘Master Trainer Criteria’ ANLP have compiled a list of current Master Trainers, which you can check here. Using the ANLP website to find a bona fide NLP Trainers Training: We are grateful to ABNLP, INLPTA, ITA and the Professional Guild for their help in compiling ‘Master Trainer’ criteria. Master Trainer NLP Certification Trainers Training