ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
These are the permanent criteria for virtual training to be recognised for ANLP membership from now on.
These are the permanent criteria for virtual training to be recognised for ANLP membership from now on, because the Covid-19 pandemic created a ‘new normal’ where many NLP trainers had to move their training courses to a virtual environment.
These criteria recognise that virtual live training is still very different to simply doing ‘online' training!
ANLP rules on membership requirements have not changed. A Practitioner Training still requires a minimum of 50 hours 'synchronous face to face'training – it is the definition of what constitutes ‘synchronous face to face’ that has changed, which is reflected in the criteria.
For a virtual training to be considered acceptable for ANLP membership or ANLP Accreditation, the following criteria must be met:
These criteria, published on 12th June 2020, permanently replace the temporary guidelines introduced in March 2020.
*A follow up face to face element is best practice rather than a requirement because the depth of experience is not always the same in a virtual setting. As Practitioner courses can range so widely from a full on ‘personal transformation’ experience to a ‘practical toolkit’ approach, it was a challenge for ANLP to find middle ground that would cover all bases. There is, therefore, an element of trust involved, in that our trainer members will follow best practice for the style of course they are delivering.
**this requirement does not apply to any certificate issued by an ANLP Accredited Trainer, which includes an ANLP seal.