Master Trainer Criteria There are a set of established criteria which will enable Trainers to be recognised by ANLP as being able to deliver NLP Trainers Training courses. Back to Training in NLP Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin Criteria for Becoming an NLP Master Trainer Only a ‘Master Trainer’ of NLP, (or someone who has reached the equivalent standard within the Professional Guild, IANLP, INLPTA or IN-Institutes), can deliver NLP Trainers Training and issue an NLP Trainers certificate to an NLP Trainer. There are very few ‘Master Trainers’, especially in the UK and there is some confusion around who is recognised as being appropriately ‘qualified’ to deliver Trainers Training. ANLP worked with the UK Leadership Forum, a panel made up from representatives of globally accepted certification bodies including ABNLP, INLPTA, ITA, The Professional Guild and independent NLP trainers. We are grateful for their continued collaboration in compiling this Master Trainer Criteria. As a result, a set of criteria was produced which, if met, will enable Trainers to be recognised by ANLP and many other Associations, as being able to deliver NLP Trainers Training courses. It was agreed by the Leadership Forum that all ‘Master Trainers’ have:- The ability to document their ‘roots’ in Bandler or Grinder’s work. A Master Trainer Certificate signed by 2 Certified Master Trainers whose roots are in Bandler & Grinder’s work. The Leadership Forum recognise that for the field to grow, not all students can be trained and certified directly by the Co-developers. Therefore, ANLP will recognise all certified Trainers and ‘Master Trainers’ who can document that one of their preceding Trainers or Master Trainers were in a generation certified directly by Bandler or Grinder, regardless of how many ‘generations’ ago that certification occurred. This is what we refer to as documenting your ‘roots’ in Bandler & Grinders work. Where to Start? The Leadership Forum agreed that it was essential for applicants to have had broad experience of delivering NLP Training courses prior to their application to become a ‘Master Trainer’; i.e. they need to serve some form of ‘Apprenticeship’. This ‘Apprenticeship’ can be achieved by either; attending a formal ‘Master Trainer’ course, delivered by recognised ‘Master Trainers’ or; following the ‘Professional Assessment’ route which involves securing a ‘Sponsor/Mentor’ from the list of recognised ‘Master Trainers’ on the ANLP website. The individual will be free to choose which Professional Body they wish to align themselves with for this part of their development (subject to meeting their chosen Professional Body’s eligibility criteria). ‘Master Trainer’ Criteria Applicants must have practical experience of delivering training, in particular it is a requirement that:- A minimum of 3 years has elapsed since achieving NLP Trainer Certification and in that time that; They, as Lead Trainer, have delivered a minimum of 10 Practitioner and 5 Master Practitioner courses that meet the minimum criteria set by ANLP. They are able to provide evidence of the above achievement which must include a ‘Sponsor/Mentor/Master Trainer’ observation and feedback, of an integration and assessment of each of the following: NLP Practitioner Course NLP Master Practitioner Course They must also have been actively involved in the delivery of NLP Train the Trainer courses, as a minimum: Assisting on at least three NLP Train the Trainer Course Co-training at least one NLP Train the Trainer Course, i.e. delivery of a couple of sessions on a TT course, this to be observed by their Sponsor/Mentor/Master Trainer. They must be able to demonstrate that they can deliver any element of Practitioner, Master Practitioner or Trainers Training ‘on demand’ i.e. with no notice or preparation time. This will include a demo and exercises. To provide evidence that they have made a significant contribution to the NLP community. This can take the form of such things as: Research Publications – writing books, articles etc To have their certificate ‘signed off’ by two ‘Master Trainers’ – i.e. their ‘Sponsor/Mentor/Master Trainer’ plus one other Master Trainer who will have reviewed their application/sponsorship report. Master Trainer Trainers Training