Membership Benefits - Marketing Tools

As part of your Membership, ANLP give you the marketing tools and top tips to help you grow your NLP business.

Membership Benefits - Marketing Tools










Members Logo 

Have you thought about using your Members Logo on your website and creating a link back to your profile via the logo? This way, potential clients can quickly and easily check your membership status with your Professional Body.

Have your logo on your marketing materials, ready for when ANLP run their own marketing and educational campaigns, such as ‘Look for the Logo’. This campaign, which runs periodically, encourages members of the public to only engage with NLP Professionals who display the ANLP Members Logo, a kite mark for professionalism and best practice in an unregulated industry.

You can use the above in your marketing materials to demonstrate how you uphold standards in the NLP Community and you can tell your clients about it and gain public trust by using these tools.

Code of Ethics

When joining or renewing, all Members of ANLP agree to adhere to the ANLP Code of Ethics.

Is this a marketing advantage?


As an NLP Professional, it is essential to be able to confidently demonstrate to existing and potential clients, your credibility, professionalism and commitment to delivering quality.

By holding yourself as accountable and responsible you can gain public trust and increase client confidence in your services. Adherence to an Independent and external Professional Body Code of Ethics demonstrates commitment to ethical and quality provision of NLP. ANLP has set the standard with their Code of Ethics and incorporating these into your marketing materials or referencing it by providing a link from your website adds to your credibility as an NLP Professional.

Searchable Online Profile

Your online profile is the best opportunity you have of engaging with your potential clients. So, treat it like a marketing tool and take the time to make it as complete as possible, update it and keep it fresh and relevant.

There are several features that allow you to give the best possible view of your business to potential clients visiting our website…  

So let's draw your attention to a few relevant and important parts of your profile:

Your profile is where you can upload your photo, write your profile piece and upload your You Tube video - these will all appear on your public profile.

Your contact details can include your Facebook, Linked In, Twitter links and an RSS feed, and these will appear on your public profile. What better way to market to your potential clients by driving them directly to the social media sites where they can interact with you and get to know you better.

Your experience listing can form a core part of your marketing…

Do you have a speciality? Is there something you excel at using NLP that clients will be searching for? Add this into the Experience boxes and add testimonials from real clients that can show the results you can get. As Bev James, author, millionaires mentor and CEO of the Coaching Academy says, “Clients seek Specialists…Generalists seek Clients…” so use your niche specialities to attract the clients you want to work with.

Do also enter your Practice/Training locations in the relevant box - most people searching for an NLP Professional will search by location, and completing this box is how you will get picked up in their search. Think about what others might type in as a location - will they type Hants or Hampshire, London or Finchley?

If you have achieved ANLP Accreditation, then you get your own page on the ANLP website in addition to your members profile. You can add and edit the content and use this to promote your services to the public.

This appears as an additional page on your profile and the public can see this by selecting the option 'Visit their personal page' when they are looking at your profile.

This is a flexible and valuable marketing tool for those who have achieved ANLP Accreditation because the content of this page is entirely up to you…and of course it all helps to raise your profile both on the ANLP website and in the search engine rankings.

Online Promotional Facilities

As a Member you get UNLIMITED PROMOTION of any events, case studies & success stories, and Practice Groups on our website as well as your online profile.

When people look for information about NLP on the internet, guess where they often end up? On the ANLP website, because we are a Top 10 Google Ranking website without paying for Goodle Adverts.

This means that when anyone taps NLP into their search engine, we are always in the Top 10 organic results, and usually in the Top 5.

What does this mean for you?

This means that when people search for NLP and they are faced with 19 million results (yes, it really is 19 million) your profile will appear in the top 10 of these results. And unless you run one of the 9 NLP training companies that also occupies the top ten rankings or you pay a lot of money for Google Adwords, this could be the best way of ensuring your NLP profile does appear in the Top Ten!

Join ANLP, raise your profile and send your message directly to your target audience who could be on our website looking for your services!

Diary Events

Have you got a course, workshop or practice group event coming up?

If you are running any Workshops, Training Courses or even Practice Group meetings, then add them to our online Diary. Many visitors will come to our site looking for a Practitioner course or workshop, so adding your diary events into our listing makes good marketing sense, especially as we are the only membership organisation to rank in the top ten when 'NLP' is the search term.

Simply add it onto our online Diary Events page whenever you want and we will promote your courses to our website visitors.

If you are running the same event on different dates, there is the facility to add multiple events using the same description.

Top Tip:
Add your diary events to the website in good time and they will also appear listed in Rapport, our quarterly magazine – another opportunity for marketing your courses!


Success Stories and Case Studies

Have you got some practical client related success stories or case studies, which illustrate how NLP has helped someone you know with a particular challenge or issue? Then share these with us and the visitors to our website and ensure they feature in the Why NLP section.

As a member, you can upload case studies and success stories onto our website, and then have these automatically included in the section of the website that demonstrates the practical applications of NLP to the public.

This is another great marketing opportunity because you are illustrating your areas of expertise within NLP, because your case studies and success stories link back to your profile. You are also helping to promote NLP, by demonstrating how NLP can be used to help people with relevant, every day challenges that they can identify with.

Case studies are sorted into categories, so that they can be easily identified by the public visiting that page. If you have a case study that does not fit into any of the existing categories, do contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your requirements.

Practice Groups

If you run a Practice Group, check out our Practice Group page because we can add your group to our Practice Group search section. You will also receive ANLP's support pack for Practice Groups.

Link to your Practice Group profile from your own website to increase the potential visitors to your Practice Group and generate more collaboration within the NLP Community – you never know when the next opportunity will arise.

Client Reviews

We all value product and services reviews and you now have the same opportunities to promote your good service(s) via your members profile.

Ask your clients and students to post a favourable review on your profile, which then acts as a third-party review for your services and gives potential clients additional confidence in your services. You can invite your client and students to review your services directly from your online dashboard.

Top Tip:
It is important that these reviews are third party reviews i.e. from someone else extolling your virtues as a great coach or NLP Trainer. If you log in and post the reviews yourself, they won't be approved by ANLP, because they will appear on your profile as Joe Bloggs reviews Joe Bloggs...and the whole point is for the testimonial to be from someone else...not you! If your clients are reluctant to leave a review themselves, then post this information on your profile page, rather than in client reviews, where is will still be visible to the public viewing your page.


Targeted Advertising Opportunities and Website Advertising

As a Top 10 Google Ranking Website, we are the place where people land when looking for information on NLP.

ANLP always has a first page presence on the Google listings and according to Google Analytics, our last recorded figure [in March 2019] indicated that we received in excess of 20,000 page views 

Members of ANLP already benefit from that web presence, through the Professional and Trainer search facilities as well as the online Events Diary.

Now YOU can benefit even more from the ANLP powerful web presence through our online advertising.

Accredited Trainers and Trainer members receive a complimentary advertising package as part of their membership.

All Members can upload and manage both text and image adverts on the ANLP website. They can also view the web statistics for your advert within your profile, so you can see how many page views and clicks your advert has had.

Independent Professional Association

ANLP is a truly 100% independent NLP organisation.

What does this mean?

This means that ANLP is the only NLP Members Organisation with an established public reputation which does not offer its own NLP Training, Coaching or Workshops. 

Our independence enables us to be entirely impartial; recognising and embracing all schools of NLP that meet the high standards, best practice and professionalism that we strive to maintain AND we can do this without bias or preference.

This is a great marketing point from your perspective because you can demonstrate that have membership of a truly independent Professional Body that has checked your certification and provides you with a self regulatory framework for delivering your NLP.

Our independence also means that we are not in direct competition with any of our Members, and this allows us to focus all of our energy in promoting our Members services, encouraging best practice and raising public awareness, trust and confidence in the field of NLP. We are here to raise your profile, and the profile of NLP so that it can become a viable and trustworthy developmental tool and can reach the people who need it most.