NLP at the Festival of Education 2024 October 23rd 2024 Education In July 2024, the NLP for Education team were excited to give a presentation at the UK Festival of Education. The festival is a huge... Continue reading...
Behavioural Management with NLP July 3rd 2024 Education Bees dance, dolphins sing, and humans speak; put it all together and what have you got? Articulate mammals using sophisticated communication systems! And how well... Continue reading...
Are You an Imposter in the Classroom? April 28th 2024 Education Imposter Syndrome is sweeping across the teaching profession and formerly confident individuals are now starting to question even their basic skills. Imposter Syndrome is, quite... Continue reading...
The Lost Art and Neuroscience of Visual Learning January 15th 2024 Education When I started my NLP training, I could freely admit that picturing anything in my mind’s eye, including words, was impossible. Then I discovered that... Continue reading...
We Are Not Labels October 26th 2023 Education We live in a society that needs to label all: people, things, feelings, experiences… so why not label children and behaviours, too? However, after dedicating... Continue reading...
Teaching with NLP July 28th 2023 Education Irecently entered education to experience working in a community-centred organisation with a high social impact. Whilst training to be a business coach, I wanted to... Continue reading...
Success is an Inside Job April 28th 2023 Education Target grades were not treated with the same level of reverence when I started my teaching career. Now, however, it is too often the case... Continue reading...
Help! What Type of Support Does This Child Need Right Now? January 26th 2023 Education Picture the scene. A small, vocal child. “Waaah, waah, whaaA, whAAAAH, WHAAAAHH, WHAAAHHH!” Crying, screaming, legs thrashing, tears. “I don’t want to!” bellowed loudly, indicating... Continue reading...
Generative Emotions Revolutionize Emotional Intelligence October 28th 2022 Education It is interesting to note that more and more families are aware of the importance of emotional intelligence. There is a lot of talk about... Continue reading...
Excellence is Only a Stone's Throw Away July 28th 2022 Education When I started my teaching career in the early 2000s in Austrian junior high school, programmes for children with special needs and for those who... Continue reading...
Learning Stories and Tips to Support Children Who Learn Differently April 28th 2022 Education Imagine if all children could learn NLP just like ABC and 123! What would it be like if children learned, from a very young age,... Continue reading...
NLP in Further Education January 28th 2022 Education I waited on the start line, my race number tied to my handlebars, my heart pounding with the nerves as I looked to my right and... Continue reading...
Lesson Taught October 28th 2021 Education Training to be a teacher can be an emotional roller coaster: lesson triumphs can quickly melt away following classroom car crashes and dismal failures can... Continue reading...
Effects of Lockdown July 28th 2021 Education If you turn on any talk radio station in the morning you hear all sorts of intelligent people raising their concerns about the academic impact... Continue reading...
What's your sentence April 28th 2021 Education Retirement brings with it the opportunity to reflect, to take account and above all to ask the question, So, what was that all about? I... Continue reading...
Education Biases January 28th 2021 Education Almost everything we as human beings invent in order to create culture has biases. Formal education therefore has biases that affect the way we see... Continue reading...
What if Teachers knew NLP October 28th 2020 Education In his book Thinking on Purpose: a 15-day plan to a smarter life, Richard Bandler discusses the difference between thinking and remembering. I was struck... Continue reading...
Imagination the difference that makes the difference July 28th 2020 Education Early on in my teaching career (2001–2003) as a new university adjunct, we weren’t given any training about lecturing, instructional outlines or academic regulations. The... Continue reading...
Mood Control & School performance April 28th 2020 Education I write this article as rain slices through a charcoal Manchester sky and raindrops punch the roof of my car. Sometimes it's better to be inside... Continue reading...
The (Geography) map is not the territory January 28th 2020 Education Longdean Academy is a Single Academy Trust in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. It is unique in the UK (as far as my school research shows) for... Continue reading...