The 3 L’s Coaching Framework October 23rd 2024 Health The coaching industry is rich with models to support clients to reach their goals more easily, from GROW to OSCAR and many others in between.... Continue reading...
How Simple NLP Practices Can Revolutionise Self-care July 28th 2024 Health In our busy, on-the-go-all-the-time world, it can feel challenging to stop, rest and take care of ourselves. Prioritising our own self-care has become, for many,... Continue reading...
Sometimes, Ancient Technology is Better for the Brain April 28th 2024 Health Have you ever gone to make yourself a sandwich and almost popped the filling onto the plate, forgetting the bread, because you were trying to... Continue reading...
We Are What We Watch January 15th 2024 Health What we watch, whether consciously or mindlessly, has an impact on our mental health and wellbeing. It can even impact our sense of resourcefulness and... Continue reading...
One Small Scribble Makes For One Giant Leap in Your Well-Being October 26th 2023 Health Journaling is putting pen to paper and writing about what’s on your mind, what’s in your heart, and what’s getting you (or preventing you from)... Continue reading...
Toxic Connectivity: Trauma Bonding...and how to safely disconnect and regain agency with NLP July 28th 2023 Health Do you have a friend or family member who is in an unhealthy relationship and, looking from the outside in, it’s all so crystal clear,... Continue reading...
A Health Practitioner's Perspective: Can NLP Help with Patient Outcomes? April 28th 2023 Health As health care practitioners, I believe we can take our practice to the next level by using the power of NLP. We are privileged to... Continue reading...
Living Your Life Fully with Optimum Health and Wellbeing January 26th 2023 Health Many people will find themselves living in destructive habits or addictions. Stress, poor diet, lack of exercise and negative thoughts and emotions can cause chaos... Continue reading...
NISCC and NLP for Health Project October 28th 2022 Health For the Health and Wellbeing section of Rapport in this issue, we are revisiting two projects aNLp are heavily involved with supporting: NISCC and NLP... Continue reading...
Soberversary July 28th 2022 Health Life in your head becomes quiet. Really quiet, so you can hear your own thoughts and get to know yourself properly. When I’d looked into... Continue reading...
NLP as a Golden Thread in Coaching for Stress and Anxiety April 28th 2022 Health Stress is part of everyday life for many people. The Gallup Global Emotions Report surveyed 160,000 people across 116 countries and found that people felt... Continue reading...
Taking an Aligned Approach to Healthcare January 28th 2022 Health As a patient, over the years I have been there as someone supporting a friend who was going through a life-changing health situation. I could... Continue reading...
Who Heals Healers October 28th 2021 Health Heard the one about the doctor’s receptionist who suggested that, as the doctor was running late, the patient should also book an appointment for the... Continue reading...
Gardening Effect July 28th 2021 Health It’s a privilege to have been asked to write about our work at the Gardening Group at Charing Surgery in Kent. The story starts in... Continue reading...
Yoga & NLP April 28th 2021 Health How has the last year been for you? A year of uncertainty, almost certainly. A year of challenge, most probably. A year of change, perhaps?... Continue reading...
Route to Health and Success January 28th 2021 Health The Dalai Lama wisely described the human condition when he said: “Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to... Continue reading...
Reframing Ageing October 28th 2020 Health When I was a teenager, I couldn’t wait to turn 30. Now 44, I’m no longer wishing my life away but still love every birthday... Continue reading...
Self Care Strategies July 28th 2020 Health I often encourage clients and readers to not only use whatever self-care ideas I'm sharing but to remember all the other things that have worked for... Continue reading...
Yoga and NLP April 28th 2020 Health When I started braving actual classes, I experienced longer-lasting pain relief but also began to get in touch with other issues that were coming up... Continue reading...
NLP Skillset for health January 28th 2020 Health Phil will be presenting on Advanced NLP Approaches in Health at the NLP conference in May 2020. This article presents elements of his presentation, including... Continue reading...