ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
Professional Active
11 months ago
23 October 2019
I have been interested in self-development and personal and executive coaching for over twenty-five years, ever since he became a manger of people as well as projects. From Naval and Aerospace Engineering to Mind Engineering! My background and experience in the Corporate and Engineering worlds gives me an insight into the behaviours and needs of such organisations. As an engineer who is a firm supporter of NLP and what it can do, I can take you on a partly familiar but nevertheless exciting journey like the one I have been on. What’s more, being of a certain age, I am perfectly placed to help any of you late learners in any walk of life identify and achieve those long forgotten or even nascent dreams and aspirations. At every successive turn in my NLP journey any doubting questions that I had regarding the reality of NLP and its relevance to the lives we aspire to lead were systematically answered until finally the pendulum –swung – literally(!) – the other way, and the full power of NLP and the value it can bring was released to me. Over a long career I have worked in both the Public and Private sectors in Engineering and Project Management for naval and aerospace defence and logistics applications. For much of that career my coaching was instinctive and informal but I always longed to put a proper structure around it – I am an engineer after all! Currently working in the private sector for a multinational company based in Munich, Germany, I have recently taken the opportunity to enhance my learning and skills set and gain that structure, with NLP, as well as Time Based Techniques and Hypnotherapy. Not only an accredited NLP Practitioner, I am also an NLP Coach with training accredited through the ICR (International Coaches Register). These skills provide me with the opportunity to help develop myself and individuals at my place of work, but also to help other individuals and organisations.
Qualified 2019
Trained by Terry Elston
Bavaria, Germany (based in Munich) and by phone/video call
I am yet to post any case studies. Please check back later.
I am yet to post any courses/workshops. Please check back later.
Josh has the kind of presence that breeds confidence when around him. His experience as a high level operations engineer has translated beautifully into an engineer of the mind. A lovely mix of passion for people and precision to the task. Comes highly recommended. Terry Elston NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer.
I have not yet reviewed any books.