ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
We have created a number of additional resources to support members in a post pandemic world...
Additional resources and support were put in place for members during the pandemic and many of these continue to be relevant.
Do check these out and please read the member news updates (sent out monthly), as these also provide useful tips, information and links.
ANLP Virtual Community Cafe
The virtual community cafe for all members is open for an hour on the first Tuesday of every month at 18:30 (UK time) and the third Wednesday of every month at 10:00 (UK time)
Log in to pick up the meeting details and times here
Trainers and Accredited Trainers can join their exclusive monthly community cafe meetings as well, held on the first Thursday of every month at 10:00 (UK time). Meeting Details can be picked up here
ANLP Criteria for Virtual Training
Interesting times call for interesting solutions and ANLP developed criteria for delivering virtual NLP Training.
Watch the support webinars delivered by Andy Coley and Tony Nutley relating to virtual training here
Jeremy Lazarus, shares his tips for using Zoom to deliver online training here
ANLP Members provide Bitesize Videos
Many members provided bitesize videos to which offer NLP techniques and tips to support many areas of general health and wellbeing. These are freely available on our website. If you would like to contribute, please do check out our original news article because you can still submit your contribution in the same way.
Guidance for Members offering Coaching Online
We continue to find ourselves feeling our way into different and more creative ways to operate.
Read this news article for guidance around offering online coaching and also ways to build resilience into your business at this time.
The NLP Conference is now a hybrid event (ie offers both in person and virtual options). Do check the conference website for the latest updates.