Its All About Rapport Rapport Archive Business Its All About Rapport Rapport Issue 7 Publication Date March 28th 2007 Authors Sonia Saxton For Sonia Saxton, effective business coaching is all about rapport. NLP tools and techniques are embedded in the systems and processes followed by everyone at her specialist executive coaching company in North Yorkshire. Rapport is also a key element in her coaching style which depends on gaining the confidence and trust of her clients. Saxton Partners organises one-to-one coaching and group training courses that help leaders and managers achieve better results by enhancing their coaching and communication skills.... Business To access the rest of this article, you need to use 1 credit ANLP members get complimentary credits that can be used for purchasing from the Rapport archive - a collection of more than a 1000 high quality articles written by some of the leading voices in the field of NLP. Non-members can buy Rapport credits via the ANLP store. JOIN ANLP BUY RAPPORT CREDITS If you have already purchased this article, you can log in to access it