Getting back in the saddle This client had a serious horse riding accident. She had been thrown into a ditch and was there some considerable time with a fractured neck. Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin Case studies Anxiety and Stress Getting back in the saddle Posted by Sarah Jane Wood on April 5th 2019 Anxiety and Stress The challenge This client was a 43 year old female. She had had a serious horse riding accident two years ago. She had been thrown into a ditch and was there some considerable time with a fractured neck. She had to be air lifted to hospital. As a result, two years on, she was experiencing panic attacks and nervousness when riding….to the point where she could no longer go out of the field on her horses or participate in riding Events as she had done before. The effect The anxiety and stress had become so great that it was effecting her ability to function in other parts of her life, panic attacks were now effecting her day to day life. Solution One 2 hour session of NLP was enough to enable this client to move forward with their life. Result Two weeks after the session she bought a new horse and was riding confidently, even looking forward to going back to eventing. The panic attacks had subsided and she had new coping strategies to help her through any future problems. Sarah Jane Wood