Acuity - Volume 6

Acuity is designed to sit between Rapport magazine and the Current Research in NLP journal.

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Acuity - Volume 6

Acuity is designed to sit between Rapport magazine and the Current Research in NLP journal. The aim of Acuity is to provide an opportunity for authors and innovators to advance the field of NLP in sharing their findings, learnings and developments: new models, techniques, applications, refinements and new perspectives to old themes.

Anyone can write, but not everyone can take feedback and use it to create something even better. Writing for Acuity (and gaining feedback from some excellent reviewers) has encouraged me to self-assess anything I author. I use a “love it, hate it, love it” strategy (somewhat like Dilts’ report of the Disney Strategy)... love writing it, then critique it as my greatest critic might, and then love it again as a better piece of writing.

Journal Contents





Resolving Life-Long Anxiety—
a case study


Steve Andreas

Why NLP needs to obtain academic credibility


Bruce Grimley

The Development of Language and the Universal Modelling Processes: A Personal Perspective


Joe Cheal

Coachee-learning – a Results-based Method for Assessing Coaches


Angus McLeod

Utilizing NLP Language Patterns in Educational Settings


Brian Cullen

Developing Acuity


John McWhirter

Contribution Sources of NLP

L . Michael Hall


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