ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
Promoting Professional NLP is our remit and to do that, its important to have more than 22% of members with complete profiles...
Now that members have been given even greater opportunities to achieve their 100% completed profile, we have rolled out a search weighting facility to the member database searches on the website.
This means that your member profile will appear higher up the member search rankings, depending on your ranking points.
You can influence your position in the searches and achieve search ranking points as follows:
The reasons for doing this is because its important for us to be able to promote professional ANLP members to those who are searching for your services each month. If a potential client sees a list of blank profiles first, then those clients are more likely to navigate away from the search and look for another solution to their challenge…when we want them to find YOU!
Promoting Professional NLP is our remit and to do that, its important to have more than 22% of members with complete profiles…so now you will be rewarded for your professionalism!