***Breaking News*** Membership Fees are frozen at 2019 levels It’s a departure from what we’re seeing as the current trend…Prices are seemingly rising everywhere we look… food, energy, mortgages… Back to blog posts November 22nd 2022 Uncategorised Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin It’s a departure from what we’re seeing as the current trend… Prices are seemingly rising everywhere we look… food, energy, mortgages… We have a different take… In 2019, ANLP put their Membership fees up. There had been no price rise for the previous 10 years and it seemed appropriate that, with the launch of the new website and the extensive new resources that were available for Members, the fees would be raised. The plan was to then raise fees annually in line with inflation… As Robert Burns said “The best laid plans of mice and men, often go awry…” In 2020, the world had to contend with the sudden emergence of the pandemic. Global economies struggled to deal with the losses of output from a workforce that were obligated to stay at home to reduce the infection rates. Everyone was affected in some way. In recognition of the challenges that the NLP Community faced with businesses being seriously affected, ANLP chose to leave fees unchanged. The same conscious decision was taken in 2021 after several waves of COVID variants swept across the globe and business continued to find ways to cope… In 2022, there have been additional challenges. As the planet began to emerge from one crisis, the war in Ukraine took a toll on everything from grain to energy supplies… Again, the global economies churned as the impact took its toll… The rising cost of living has hit many, many people very hard, and this includes ANLP, who are less than immune from rising costs, especially with software subscription prices rising by at least 25% and many other suppliers raising their prices in excess of inflation… we bear this as much as possible and, like everyone, we cannot afford to do this indefinitely – there is only so much we can trim back on (eg staff), before we affect our own service provision too much. We know that Professional NLP delivered by ANLP Members can make such a big difference and is more needed than ever in these challenging times. So, with compassion and understanding, we have consciously taken the decision to keep Membership fees at the same level again this year, so we keep supporting members as best we can.