SNLP - The Society of NLP The Society of NLP (1979) established as the original, official certifying body in the field of NLP by NLP Co-Developers, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Back to NLP Certification Bodies Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin The Society of NLP was established in 1979 as the original and official certifying body in the field of NLP by NLP Co-Developers, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Christina Hall, Ph.D. is one of six owners of the Society of NLP. Also, she continues to be the President of the Society, appointed by Richard Bandler in 1982. The Vision of the Society of NLP The Society is dedicated to providing innovative training opportunities, designed to enrich your experience and interactions with others, emphasizing the fulfillment of each person’s unique goals and desires to make a meaningful contribution to the lives of others. Certification through the Society of NLP Since 1983, Christina Hall has certified thousands of people in the art of Neuro‐Linguistic Programming at all levels of NLP certification. The Society provides criteria for certification as NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner and Trainer to maintain a high standard of competence in the art and skill of Neuro Linguistic Programming. Certification according to these criteria entitles the NLP Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Trainer and Master Trainer to use the official seal of the Society of NLP. John Grinder Richard Bandler Christina Hall