Top 10 Marketing Tips

Follow our top tips to ensure that potential clients think it’s worth clicking on your profile to find out more about you and your services

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Top 10 Marketing Tips

Having joined ANLP and brought a potential client to your “Shop Window”, follow our top tips to ensure that potential clients think it’s worth clicking on your profile to find out more about you and your services.

1.  Display a Professional Looking Photo

Two key rules

  • Do upload a photograph. Potential clients are much more likely to click on to your profile if they can see a photo of you. Company logos are acceptable, but just not as powerful.
  • Make it a professional looking headshot. Holiday snaps have their place – on Facebook, that is! Potential clients want reassurance that you are a professional; a snap of you propping up a bar, cocktail in hand, may not provide such reassurance!

2.  Member Profile

This is your chance to “Pitch” to the client. Make sure this is concise and relevant and covers your unique selling points.  

  • Use bullet points to draw your clients to key points!

Remember to use Perceptual Positions and view your profile as if you were a potential client.

3.  Link to your own Website

A website is the shop front to your business, whatever your turnover. Moreover, developing a good quality online presence is now financially accessible to all businesses. Make sure your site is up to date and professional looking. Including your website link on your profile will also improve that elusive SEO (Search Engine Optimisation ), that is to say, how far you come up in a Google search.

Also, from your own website, remember to post a link to your profile on the ANLP website. This will immediately reassure potential clients that you are a member of a professional organisation and able to confer those benefits to your client.

4.  Actions Speak Louder than Words

Why not give yourself a competitive edge by uploading a professional clip to and then post the link on your profile? This gives clients first hand experience of what they can expect from you and whether you are the right fit for them.

5.  Contact Details

You do want potential clients to contact you easily for bookings and initial discussions. However, do use your online common sense, and think carefully, about exactly which contact number you wish to be in the public domain.

ANLP operates a strict Internet Security Policy and will NEVER display member personal details such as home or email address.

6.  Specialist skills

Potential clients are able to search under specific criteria, such as “Phobia” or “Management and Leadership” specialisms. Make sure you take advantage of all the online categories relevant to you as an ANLP Professional or Trainer member...and remember that “generalists seek clients, clients seek specialists” (Bev James) – so think about the specialist skills that make you stand out in a crowd, rather than ticking every box available.

7.  Courses and Workshops

You are able to publicise your up and coming events such as Courses, Workshops and Practice Group Events. Make sure you go to the Courses and Workshops section on your member dashboard to upload these regularly.

Course information from the ANLP online diary is published on your online profile pages, in the ANLP online events listing and in Rapport.

8.  Case Studies

Upload your case studies, show case your successes and illustrate your credibility with real life examples. These will then appear on the relevant section of the /how-can-nlp-help-me section of the website, clearly signposting you as an expert in the area.

9.  Accreditation

If you are a trainer, accreditation status will give you additional credibility and access to wider membership benefits.

10.  Boost your Ranking on the ANLP website

Which page you appear on following a potential client search, is entirely in your hands. The ranking for professionals, is based upon your activity on the website over the last 30 days. So, regularly updating your profile and following the tips above will ensure that your Page appears higher in a search result.

Download the Top 10 Tips

ANLP, as the only independent professional organisation for NLP, has a powerful, credible, marketing tool at your disposal: make sure you are one of the members who makes the most of it.