Introducing NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP skills are proving invaluable for personal development and professional excellence in counselling, education, and business.

Introducing NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming ISBN: 978-1855383449

Introducing NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming

By Joseph O'Connor

RRP: £12.99

Thorsons; (Reissue) edition (Jan. 2003)

NLP for Beginners


Purchase Review

NLP skills are proving invaluable for personal development and professional excellence in counselling, education, and business.

My favourite NLP introductory book

An easy read. Yet not oversimplified. Joseph O'Connor is a good writer, and this is written rather than just taken from the transcript of a training. All the main points of a Practitioner course are covered, although not in depth.

Much More Than an Introduction

This book was one of the first NLP books written in the UK. It is a comprehensive look at the important concepts in NLP and in my opinion is much more than an introduction. It’s written in a fairly formal style with good explanations of technical terms and an NLP glossary at the back. Perhaps not the most accessible cover-to-cover read, but a good reference text used by a lot of trainers and experienced practitioners.

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