Clare Fuller

Clare Fuller

After 40+ years of living life as Clare thought she 'ought to', ' should do', she decided to go on a journey to discover herself.

NLP was a big part of Clare's journey and so she trained to help others find themselves and to live their life on purpose. Her main focus is helping women who know they have so much to offer yet find themselves playing it small, not living the life they would choose. Who need help to find their truth, discover what is holding them back and reconnect to their feminine strength. 

As a busy home-schooling mum of two who used to struggle with a debilitating low self-esteem, the weight of other people's opinions and was unsure of who she really was, Clare made a decision to design her life on purpose. Through this she found her feminine strength and learnt how to silence the 'oh too frequent' negative voices. She no longer feels stressed by juggling her busy family life, her 24/7 business and all those personal commitments that we all have. Her life is now based on what success means to her. 

By using a combination of her own experience, NLP and Business Coaching, Clare helps her clients to discover what is holding them back and release their blocks so they can live a fuller, richer, more authentic life.


NLP Practitioner

Trained by Joanna Ellis

Spoken languages

  • English

Practice/Training Locations

Chippenham, Wiltshire

Offers virtual sessions

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