Fi Feehan

Fi Feehan

An integrative emotional health practitioner who is passionate about people living in their rightful resourceful state, and dying without or with very little regret.

Committed to my Purpose

My mission is for all to live in resourceful state and die without regret. I want to guide those who desire and crave inner peace, and physical and emotional wellness. I want to support them to access the abundance of information and up to date research on how to successfully live with all emotional states and be able to self regulate.

My varied and fulfilling life has presented many challenges, allowing me to learn from each experience. I have learnt to regain my resourceful state from a place of darkness and a sense of being completely lost. In reality this has enhanced my ability to self regulate and increased my understanding of how to influence challenging emotions and nervous system states.

My curiosity and passion for learning, alongside my creative and intuitive approach, ensure I am congruent in my purpose to inspire clients to be in resourceful state. My clients gain deep insights about themselves and are able to let go what is not serving them, be with what is, and live the life they desire.

Committed to Personal Expansion

Having completed a BSc in Psychology and Sociology and then a PGCE, I embarked upon a career as a teacher. With time I increasingly developed an interest in the emotional and social dimensions of children and young people. I became an adviser for Personal, Social and Health Education for my local authority. Through this role I supported educational establishments with areas linked to mental health such as bullying, domestic violence, suicide, grief and loss. My role expanded to include Lead for Social and Emotional Learning, Circle Time, Citizenship, Behaviour Management and Parenting. I went on to become Commissioner for Drug Services for Children and Young People and Commissioner for Mental Health Services for Children and Young People. I was the Manager for the Healthy Schools Programme within my local authority. I became the Strategic Lead for the National Healthy Schools Programme and Policy Advisor to government on mental health and emotional wellbeing in children and young people.

My interest and training in a 'client centred approach to supporting people in managing change', led me to discover the power of coaching and I achieved the Personal Performance Coaching Diploma as well as studying Corporate, Small Business and Youth Impact coaching diplomas. I am a Master Practitioner in NLP as well as attaining a certificate in Mindfulness as part of Therapeutic Practice.

I have attended a variety of live training experiences lead by contemporary thought leaders such as: Richard Bandler, Connierae Andreas, Mike Dooley, Shaa Wasamund, Gabby Bernstein, Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton, Julia Cameron, Robert Dilts, Phil Parker, Stephen Porges, Deb Dana, Gabor Maté, Dick Swartz, Frank Anderson, Peter Levine, Janina Fisher, Kristen Neff, Chris Germer and Bessel van der Kolk.

Please see Qualifications and Additional Studying section for further details on the outcomes of my passion for learning.

Committed to Creating Community

As part of my passion in effective and safe space holding, I have created and developed a community of practitioners called ‘Light Before Dawn’. This is a collaboration of highly trained practitioners who are trauma informed and specialise in autoimmune symptoms, loss, grief, addicted behaviours, anxiety and depression.

Presently, from researching and collating guidance for practitioners on emotional self care and how to avoid burn out, my own experiences as an entrepreneur and Guide, I lead a practitioner programme called ‘The Liminal Way’. Within The Liminal Way, I guide practitioners on my Four Cornerstone approach to effectively holding space, motivating and Guiding clients in a bespoke and client centred way. Included in the programme is a focus on Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory and foundations in Internal Family Systems.

I facilitate a monthly membership for practitioners called ‘The Liminal Collective’.

With my sister practitioner we have grown An integrative, holistic approach to physical and emotional well-being. Sandra James, who jointly guides participants in the Be More Tree Programme, is a functional practitioner, naturopath and nutritionist.

Together with my colleague Cat Emmerson, I facilitate a programme for women called ‘Sisterhood of the Divine Feminine’ where we explore being in our sovereignty through the female archetypes.

Alongside my colleague Hannah Rayya, we have created and held space for a programme for men called ‘Fellowship of Sages’. Please see link We hold a monthly gathering for men who have graduated from ‘Fellowship of Sages’ called ‘Assembly of Sages’.

Committed to Community:

I am committed to being active within my own community. I facilitate visioning workshops for local business owners and individuals.

I am a Community Ambassador for my local NHS.

I facilitate a Body, Mind, Spirit Book Club for a local Well-being Centre.

Committed to All of Me:

I embrace the introverted side of my personality and appreciate how this sits comfortably alongside my ability to public speak, lead workshops and facilitate training. 

I have studied wine to WSET level 3 and travelled through Italy and France savouring wine.

I always have a jigsaw on the go which I engage with for restorative time.

I love reading crime novels and guessing ‘who did it’.

I enjoy walks by the sea - just down the road from where I live.

Committed to Learning


Two Master Degrees – one with a focus on loss and bereavement in children and young people and the other in educational research and evaluation.

Personal Performance Coaching - Diploma

Mentoring - Advanced Diploma

Master Practitioner in NLP-Neuro Linguistic Programming

Introductory Transactional Analysis 101 from UKATA at the Berne Institute

Motivational Interviewing - Certificate

Certificate in Mindfulness - British Association of Mindfulness 

Positive Psychology - Foundation Level

ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training - Certificate

Clinical Application of Polyvagal Nerve Theory - Level one -  led by Deb Dana

Compassionate Based Therapy with Paul Gilbert - Foundation Level

Internal Family Systems - Level One and level Two

Professional Qualification in the Therapeutic Use of Mindfulness - British Mindfulness Institute 2015

Certificate in Felt Sense Polyvagal Model: A certificate for treating Trauma and Addiction - led by Jan Winhall

Proficiency in Focusing - Institute of Focusing 

Additional studying/interests informing practice: 

Daring Way and Rising Strong psycho-educational workshops by Courage Works - Brene Brown.

Attachment and Somatic Experiencing with Diana Poole Heller.

Attachment Theory: An Embodied Approach, through Embodied Philosophy with Dr Maureen Gallagher.

The Grief Recovery Programme.

A year in Polyvagal with Deb Dana.

Oxytocin - The Neurobiological Mystery of Love and Attachment with Professor Sue Carter.

Mindful Self-compassion core skills workshop led by Dr Kristin Neff and Dr Christopher Germer.

Introduction to Creating Healing Circles workshop with Chris Burris.

Complex Trauma and IFS in a Practitioner Setting, led by Frank Anderson.

Treating Trauma and Addiction with the Felt Sense Polyvagal Model with Jan Winhall M.S.W.

Foundations of Storytelling. Autobiographical Storytelling, and Storytelling Interwoven with Autobiographical and Folk Stories.

Small Business Coaching. 

Coaching in Corporations. 

Youth Impact Coaching. 

Learning hub with IFS Institute - a live monthly learning experience lead by Dick Swartz.

I attend the annual Master Series Trauma Conference - a four day programme with contemporary leads in understanding and healing trauma from a mind/body perspective.


NLP Practitioner

Trained by Coaching Acadamy

Specialist skills

  • Confidence Building
  • Eating Disorders
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Motivation
  • Relationships
  • Stress Management

Spoken languages

  • English

Practice/Training Locations

Brighton and Hove

Offers virtual sessions

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