What is NLP?

Every single ANLP Trainer and Accredited Trainer meeting has delivered something extraordinary… a new perspective on NLP, techniques, strategies and stories!

What is NLP?

"The whole is other than the sum of the parts" (Kurt Koffka, 1935)

It’s always inspiring to talk to the ANLP Accredited Trainers and Trainers who come to the Trainers Café on the first Thursday of every month.

ALWAYS?” I hear some of you cry!

Actually, yes!

Every single meeting has delivered something extraordinary… a new perspective on NLP, techniques, strategies and stories… or the incredible supportive reflections, reframing and potential solutions to those who attend and raise real challenges they face or thought experiments to navigate through the “What Ifs”.  The meandering of the discussion points is simply astonishing and the freedom of the safe space allows the unconscious of those present to guide us to some deep and insightful thoughts and feelings…


Inspirationally lead us to actions that go beyond the scope of the topics that initiated the discussions in the first place!

We have some great NLP Trainers on our calls who all contribute to the discussions and on Thursday 4th July 2024, the collective came to this succinct answer for the question “What is NLP?”:

“NLP brings to conscious awareness the effect of communication on self and others.”

Whilst also observing that “The discipline of NLP is a unification of many different methodologies, including neuroscience, metacognition, cybernetics, constructivism and modelling.”

Is it the answer?  Possibly not.  As we know, NLP covers so many aspects and has so many parts that address a variety of positive strategies for change and transformation… and we feel, it is a very concise way to give a non-NLP trained person, some insight into what NLP is about.

So thanks to the collective of ANLP Trainer members for their presence and input into another amazing Trainers Cafe!

ANLP Trainer and Accredited Trainer Cafe