Julie Silverthorn

Julie Silverthorn

Julie holds a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology. She has been a Certified NLP Master Trainer since 1992 and is a Certified Hypnosis Master Trainer.

ANLP Roles

Julie is warm and friendly and gifted with a natural love of people. She has great energy and a special knack for presenting information in ways that are easy to understand. Her students love her natural optimism and their ability to learn and grow from her encouragement and teaching. Julie began her study of Hypnosis in 1982 and through her love of Hypnosis she became deeply involved with NLP.  She has been in the field of Psychology for over 30 years, a NLP Trainer for over 20 years and a Master Trainer for 20 years. She has also been a Certified Hypnosis Trainer for over 15 years.  

Julie loves learning. She graduated from college with a degree in Psychology at age 19. While in her Master’s program, at the age of twenty, she was hired as a Drug and Alcohol Case Manager. The following year she obtained a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology and began working as a family therapist. She studied with Salvador Minuchin and Carl Whitaker (world renowned family therapists) in her search for techniques which would really help people change. She was a family therapist for five years before experiencing what is commonly referred to in the field as “burnout.” She left therapy and became self-employed in the real estate industry. She had an extremely successful real estate career, which included positions on the Board of Directors of the 1700 member real estate association in her area.

By age 29, Julie was ready to return to something that was more personally meaningful. Her interest in NLP and Hypnosis had continued to flourish while away from psychology on a full-time basis. By utilizing the techniques of NLP and Hypnosis, she healed and rejuvenated herself and returned to the field of psychology in 1989, at the age of 30. She was certified as a NLP Practitioner by Linda Summers in Princeton, NJ; a NLP Master Practitioner by Richard Bandler; a NLP Trainer by Richard Bandler, Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall; and a Master Trainer by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall.

In her private practice, she specialized in working with cancer survivors and their recovery. She is a certified PhotoReading instructor and loves creating a learning environment which promotes fun and student’s belief in themselves. She is also an Ordained Minister and a Reiki Master. In 2005, she was certified by Deepak Chopra as a Primordial Sound Instructor.  

Julie is currently based in Scottsdale, Arizona where Erickson’s favorite, “Squaw Peak” sits in her backyard. While she never personally met Dr. Erickson she did meet Mrs. Betty Erickson and spent time with her in Erickson’s office located on the grounds of their family home in Phoenix, Arizona. Her hobbies include feng shui, hiking, meditating and photography (several years ago she became a certified professional photographer). She loves to travel and has finally actualized her dream of living in a warm climate year-round! 

Julie and Russell Potts created the International Hypnosis Society to continue their passion for Hypnosis and to continue making contributions to the field. She is business partners with her first husband, John Overdurf, in their company, Neuro-Energetics. Together they have created many NLP patterns and resources, including co-writing Training Trances and Dreaming Realities. Julie also has her own corporation, AZ Seminars, Inc and trains with other institutes, in addition to Neuro-Energetics. In 2010, she co-founded The Positive School of Intrinsic NLP with Melody Cheal and Joe Cheal, Master Trainer’s residing in Moggerhangger, UK. Through PSiNLP they annually offer a NLP Trainer’s Training Certification Program in the UK.

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