ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
Michael is the ANLP Regional Ambassador for Northern Ireland, ANLP International Ambassador for The Republic of Ireland and is the NLP Specialist Envoy for Government.
Michael Dunlop is a (twice) certified NLP Trainer and Master Practitioner. In addition to his Coaching and Professional Consultancy work, Michael is also a Visiting Lecturer at Ulster University Business School; An Associate Consultant for The Chief Executives' Forum and The Health & Social Care Leadership Centre and has worked with some of NI's most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Community & Voluntary Sectors.
Michael is deeply honoured to have been appointed as both the Irish Ambassador and the Specialist Envoy for Government for ANLP.
He is passionate about NLP and its practical applications for helping people and organisations to become more effective in leading and creating change and making a positive difference for themselves and others.
Michael's current work is particularly focused on helping Government and Arms Length Bodies in Northern Ireland to develop and apply the practical skills and approaches that NLP can offer and to help with the effective delivery of the Northern Ireland Programme for Government.
Michael says,
I am truly honoured to have been invited to take on the roles of both an International Ambassador and ANLP’s Regional Ambassador for Northern Ireland. I am passionate about NLP and its practical applications for helping individuals and organisations to become more effective in leading and creating change and making a positive difference for themselves and others and ANLP’s ethics, professionalism, wealth of knowledge and commitment to independence make it such a vital bridge between NLP Professionals and the wider public. My roles involve representing ANLP and in particular, helping to develop ANLP’s presence in Northern Ireland and further afield as the trusted, professional industry body for a thriving community of NLP Professionals who are committed to excellence in their field. One of the most personally rewarding aspects of my role has been the opportunity to build networks and friendships with fellow NLPers across Ireland who are doing incredible work in a range of fields from Healthcare and Education to Leadership, Sport and Politics. In order to give these NLP Professionals in NI a real voice, we have established the first ANLP Regional Committee and now organise regular ANLP Practice Groups in NI. We have also been able to make our own contribution on behalf of ANLP to the development of the NI Executive’s forthcoming Programme for Government. (Outcome Based Accountability on which the Programme for Government Framework is based shares many NLP principles). My own journey in NLP began while studying for an MSc in the Ulster University Business School. From starting as a complete skeptic, it was a revelation to see how useful some of the practical skills and approaches of NLP could be on both a personal and professional level and having been bitten by the NLP bug, I’ve been involved with the field ever since. In 2011, we were devastated by the loss of our beautiful daughter, Orlagh Rose, after an incredibly brave battle with a rare immune condition called HLH. Orlagh was such an amazing character, full of joy and colour and love and life. She filled every moment of every day and even during her illness she inspired so many people around her with her courage and her determination. Having met so many unsung heroes on our journey with Orlagh, I subsequently founded OR Training & Personal Development Ltd as a Professional Change Consultancy to help people and organisations who are making a difference in Northern Ireland and to pass on the skills and best practice of NLP in a practical and ethical way. With our particular expertise in NLP, Leadership & Change Management skills and methodologies, we help our clients to think, communicate and act more effectively in either a personal or professional capacity, to achieve evidence based results and to meet the challenges of life and work with confidence. We have worked ‘in-house’ with some of NI’s most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Third Sectors and we are currently developing a unique NLP research and modelling project for political transformation and civic leadership. In one of those strange twists of fate that occasionally happens in life, in addition to my own Coaching and Professional Consultancy work, I also teach as Visiting Lecturer at the University of Ulster on the programme that started me out on my NLP journey. Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most outstanding teachers and practitioners in NLP and I firmly believe that ANLP’s commitment to integrity and excellence are vital to the long term future development of the field. If you’re interested in NLP or would like to make a contribution to the future of this amazing field you are most welcome to come and join us!
I am truly honoured to have been invited to take on the roles of both an International Ambassador and ANLP’s Regional Ambassador for Northern Ireland.
I am passionate about NLP and its practical applications for helping individuals and organisations to become more effective in leading and creating change and making a positive difference for themselves and others and ANLP’s ethics, professionalism, wealth of knowledge and commitment to independence make it such a vital bridge between NLP Professionals and the wider public.
My roles involve representing ANLP and in particular, helping to develop ANLP’s presence in Northern Ireland and further afield as the trusted, professional industry body for a thriving community of NLP Professionals who are committed to excellence in their field.
One of the most personally rewarding aspects of my role has been the opportunity to build networks and friendships with fellow NLPers across Ireland who are doing incredible work in a range of fields from Healthcare and Education to Leadership, Sport and Politics.
In order to give these NLP Professionals in NI a real voice, we have established the first ANLP Regional Committee and now organise regular ANLP Practice Groups in NI. We have also been able to make our own contribution on behalf of ANLP to the development of the NI Executive’s forthcoming Programme for Government. (Outcome Based Accountability on which the Programme for Government Framework is based shares many NLP principles).
My own journey in NLP began while studying for an MSc in the Ulster University Business School. From starting as a complete skeptic, it was a revelation to see how useful some of the practical skills and approaches of NLP could be on both a personal and professional level and having been bitten by the NLP bug, I’ve been involved with the field ever since.
In 2011, we were devastated by the loss of our beautiful daughter, Orlagh Rose, after an incredibly brave battle with a rare immune condition called HLH. Orlagh was such an amazing character, full of joy and colour and love and life. She filled every moment of every day and even during her illness she inspired so many people around her with her courage and her determination.
Having met so many unsung heroes on our journey with Orlagh, I subsequently founded OR Training & Personal Development Ltd as a Professional Change Consultancy to help people and organisations who are making a difference in Northern Ireland and to pass on the skills and best practice of NLP in a practical and ethical way. With our particular expertise in NLP, Leadership & Change Management skills and methodologies, we help our clients to think, communicate and act more effectively in either a personal or professional capacity, to achieve evidence based results and to meet the challenges of life and work with confidence.
We have worked ‘in-house’ with some of NI’s most recognisable organisations in the Public, Private and Third Sectors and we are currently developing a unique NLP research and modelling project for political transformation and civic leadership.
In one of those strange twists of fate that occasionally happens in life, in addition to my own Coaching and Professional Consultancy work, I also teach as Visiting Lecturer at the University of Ulster on the programme that started me out on my NLP journey.
Over the years, I have had the privilege of working with some of the most outstanding teachers and practitioners in NLP and I firmly believe that ANLP’s commitment to integrity and excellence are vital to the long term future development of the field.
If you’re interested in NLP or would like to make a contribution to the future of this amazing field you are most welcome to come and join us!
View the membership profile of Michael Dunlop