ANLP International CIC
The Association for NLP
Empowering NLP Professionals
L. Michael Hall, Ph.D started out in theology, moved to become a licensed psychotherapist, an NLP Trainer and then a modeller. He's written over 50 NLP books.
Dr Hall began modeling human potentials in 1990 while working with Richard Bandler. He has completed 17 Modeling Projects: Resilience (1994), Wealth Creation (1996), Sales (1997), Women in Leadership (1997), Business Acumen (1997), Coaching (2001), Self-Actualization (2003), Benchmarking (2005), Collaborative Leadership (2013), etc. He chose these first to learn the skills himself and then to transfer to others.
With the explorations into Self-Actualization Psychology, Dr Hall has become recognized as an expert on Maslow and the structure of actualizing one’s potentials. That led to the discovery of the hidden history of NLP, how the first Human Potential Movement died, and the launching of a new Human Potential Movement in 2007 in Neuro-Semantics. He has published several books on Self-Actualization: Unleashed, Self-Actualization Psychology, Unleashing Leadership, Get Real (Authenticity), etc.
Michael’s first masters degree was in biblical language and literature, the second masters in Clinical Counseling, and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. After writing several books for Bander, he has now publishing over 50 books in the field of NLP. He is a visionary leader in Neuro-Semantics (1996) and the Meta-Coaching System.