How do we know what we are doing is still working

How do we know what we are doing is still working
Rapport Issue


Publication Date

December 28th 2008


Neil Almond

It’s well known that the prospect of imminent death can concentrate the mind beautifully. Back in April the plane I was travelling in crashed into the Pacific Ocean, a dunking which has since acted as a life-changing ‘wake-up call’. While undertaking some significant life re-engineering, as an NLP trainer I’ve also been reflecting on what a ‘life wake-up call’ for NLP itself could look like. What exciting opportunities might emerge from such a paradigm shift? My instinct is that there are now two key questions to focus on together in NLP: “How do we know what we’re doing is still working?” and “How can we improve what we’re doing and boost its credibility in the mainstream?”....

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