NLP in a Clinical Setting: The Difference that Makes the Difference

NLP in a Clinical Setting: The Difference that Makes the Difference
Rapport Issue


Publication Date

July 28th 2023


Eoin Maher

When I began working as an acupuncturist in 2014, I had all the skills necessary to help people become well again... or so I thought! I was certified and therefore legally able to practise, but I quickly learned that not all the skills required to be an effective therapist are acquired in acupuncture college or from acupuncture books. Certainly, I was not taught how to build and maintain rapport, or to notice the subtle shifts in a client’s physiology that could signal a change in emotional state in response to a question or something I said or did. I didn’t know that when a client came to me, it would almost always be with an ‘away from’ goal or that...

NLP in Practice

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