Acuity - Volume 3 Print

This printed Acuity is designed to sit between Rapport magazine and the Current Research in NLP journal. Volume 3 was published in October 2012.

Acuity - Volume 3 Print


Acuity - Volume 3 Print

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This printed Acuity is designed to sit between Rapport magazine and the Current Research in NLP journal. Volume 3 was published in October 2012.

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Journal Contents





REPROCess: Modelling Attention

James Lawley &  Penny Tompkins

NLP & Negative Emotions

L . Michael Hall

NLP, Philosophy and Science

Joe Cheal

Freeways to Desire

Gareth Evans

Deities, Demigods and Heroes

Lucas Derks

Re-examination of the structure of the TOTE

Tim Lyons

Meta-Programs and coaching

Angus McLeod

Successful Irish Female Leaders:

Developing a Model of Excellence

Carina Furlong