FAQs for ANLP Members

We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions relating to your membership of ANLP

FAQs for ANLP Members























What do ANLP do with my membership fees?

It is important we use our resources in a 'smart' way, offering as much information as we can in a form you can access quickly and put to use immediately.

We do this by producing a monthly news update which is designed to keep you informed, give you tips and remind you of membership benefits.

This is supplemented by our website, Rapport and our other publications. All are aimed at keeping you up to date with more general NLP as well as specific ANLP related information and guidance.

So where does your membership fee go?

It all goes on providing an infrastructure to serve and support members and is broken down (approximately) as follows:

  • Membership support services  30%
  • Admin & IT (website, post, stationery, phones) 30%
  • Rapport production 15%
  • Finance Costs (Monthly processing charges, credit card fees & taxes)  15%
  • Marketing & Promotion (brochures, newsletters, social media) 10%

'Membership support services' includes  running the community cafes, clinics and events, supporting special projects to further the field of NLP, managing your renewals, handling all emails and phone calls, dealing with public enquiries about NLP & ANLP members, all ANLP admin functions including accounts, handling complaints and providing dispute resolution...and developing new services and projects to benefit members. This year, these projects include  the NLP in Education and NLP for Health projects, a specific project on qualifications, responding to members survey feedback and maintaining/improving the website. 

So you can see, with only 30% (average £43 per year) of your annual fee going on a whole raft of membership support services, much as we would like to give you our one to one attention at all times, just as you are able to do with your clients, it is not always possible.

We have a phone answering service so you can always speak to a person rather than a machine and we do respond to emails and phone calls as soon as we can, whilst balancing this alongside the other services we provide for you.

At all times our intention is to do the most we can using the leanest resource we can. With your help, we can continue to do that. We appreciate your understanding and thank you for playing your part in enabling us to provide the best service we can for the membership fee you pay. 


How to get a Positive Review about my services added to my profile?

There are two ways your clients and students can submit a positive review for you via the website:

1. From your dashboard, you can send them a specific invitation to review your services - this wil give them a link that they can follow, so they can submit a review via the website, quickly and easily, with minimum effort and hassle on their part.

2. They can submit a review via your public profile, by searching for you on the public search facilities and then submitting their client review via the website, without any direct request from you.

All reviews are submitted to ANLP for review, before they are approved, at which point they will be visible on your profile.

Your reviews do need to be submitted by a 'third party' rather than by you, so that visitors to your profile can see you have endorsements from genuine clients, which carry more weight with potential clients.

Do check the Members How to Guide for video guidance on this topic.


Please Explain the Renewal Date on my Certificate

The date on your membership certificate is your renewal date ie the date up to which you have currently paid. This means that if you pay monthly, your certificate date will be valid up to the last day of the current month. If you pay annually, your certificate date will be  12 months from the date your renewal was due.


Where is my Membership Number?

At the moment, ANLP do not deal in numbers, because all our members are people, not numbers! You can prove your  membership of ANLP by either

  • providing a copy of your ANLP Membership Certificate (downlaodable from the Member Resources section of your dashboard)
  • providing a link to your profile on the ANLP website

However, as other organisations are increasingly requiring membership numbers as 'evidence' of membership, this is something we are considering adding in future. If you have experienced any challenges due to not having a membership number, please do let us know.


Why is my membership still 'pending'?

Your membership may be pending for one of the following reasons:

  • You have not yet provided us with required evidence to validate your membership application ie certificates and/or testimonials
  • Your membership fee is still outstanding - this can happen if you elect to pay via Go Cardless (DD). Whilst debit, credit card and Paypal clear instantly, DDs take at least 3 working days for the banking system to set up, verify and process. This is standard banking practice and outside of our control.
  • Your membership may be awaiting moderation and verification by us. For efficiency, we process membership applications and check the validity of all certificates once a week, usually on a Wednesday morning. So it may be that your evidence was provided after the weekly checks had been run, or that your certificates are taking a little longer than usual to validate


My membership has been 'parked'. What does this mean?

This means that we have requested missing information from you, to support your membership application, at least 4 times. As we do not have the resources to chase you indefinitely, once we have made 4 requests, we notify you that your membership will be 'parked' until we receive the missing information.

Your membership is still active and you remain a 'parked' member until the missing information has been received. This does not mean your membership has been cancelled, just 'parked' until you take action.

If you do not provide the missing information by your renewal date or cancel your membership because you cannot provide the information, your membership will renew. You will receive notice of renewal 7 days before the due date.  Given the field in which we work, we do hope that members understand the expectation that they act at cause and take responsibility for managing their membership with ANLP and ensuring the correct documentation is provided.


I've changed my Subscription - how do I know the change has taken effect?

Any change you make to your subscription will be noted on your dashboard (you may have to hit 'refresh' to see a change just made). The date the change takes effect is also included in the dashboard notification.

You can also check future subscription changes by clicking on the edit icon for the element you have changed (eg frequency, membership level etc) and selecting the link 'View Scheduled Changes'.


I pay by DD but my invoice email says 'Payment Due' - why?

The system we use as our payment management system works 'in time' ie reports the situation in the moment the email is sent. Unlike card or paypal payments,  DD payments take 3 working days to clear.  This means that the moment the invoice is sent on the 1st, it is technically outstanding because payment has not cleared through the banking system.

As this is a third party system that we use to process payments, this is not a change we can make, so we do our best to mitigate this by adding a brief explanation to the invoice email.


Can I have a VAT Receipt?

No - as a membership organisation, our fees are VAT exempt, so we are not VAT registered because our ‘non membership fee’ income does not exceed the VAT threshold.


How do I add/edit my Course/Workshop in the Diary?

You need to be logged in to the website so you can access the Courses/Workshops facility from your dashboard.

When you are logged in, click on the Courses/Workshops icon which is clearly visible on your members dashboard. 

There is a '+ Create Course/Workshop' button on this page. Remember to choose the type of event you are running so it appears in the filtered searches.

Any existing courses/workshop will also be listed in this section so your potential clients can see up and coming events you are running.

Please note: If you are uploading details of a modular course, simply enter the dates of the first module as the start and end date, rather than the start date of the first module and the end date of the final module. Then put all the module dates within the course description. You will find more people express an interest in a course, if they realise it is not a 6 month full time course!

How long does it take for my submission to be moderated?

As ANLP is run by a small team, moderation is done weekly to keep the team working smoothly and efficiently. Courses and Workshops are moderated twice a week. Usually, submissions are approved after review and where a submission cannot be approved, it will be declained with reasons. Once declined, any submission can be edited by the member and resubmitted for approval.

If your submission is still pending after more than 7 days, please do contact the ANLP Team, who can look into this for you.

Why are my additional certificates missing on my profile?

If you update your profile with addiitonal certificates, they will only be visible to you until you have sent copies to ANLP for verification. Once ANLP have checked the additional certifictes, they will approve them. At this point, they will appear on your public profile. This is because ANLP check all certificates provided by members.


How do I change my password?

Once you have logged into the website, select my dashboard (top right), and choose the section 'Account'. For security purposes, you will need your current password in order to change it a new password. Please note that passwords are case sensitive and need to be at least 8 characters long.

Once you have entered your new required password, scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'update account'. Next time you log on, your new password will be active. Do check the Members How to Guide for video guidance on this topic.

If you cannot remember your password, please click the 'Forogt Your Password' link on the log in page


How do I comply with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) regulations?

In conjunction with the Copy Advice Service, we have produced a page of guidelines for ANLP members, which can be accessed via your dashboard on via the Resources menu on the website - this is a locked page for Members only so ensure you are logged in to access the details.

ANLP cannot engage in any specific advice on copy – this can be gained through contacting the copy advice team via www.copyadvice.org.uk  or by phoning them on 020 7492 2100.  Before submitting copy, you should ensure that these guidelines are taken into account. 


What do I do about Data Protection Act (DPA) 2018 Legislation?

The DPA 2018 came into force on May 25, 2018, and was designed to modernise laws that protect the personal information of individuals. DPA 2018 alters how businesses and public sector organisations can handle the information of their customers. It also boosts the rights of individuals and gives them more control over their information.  How does the Act differ from the GDPR? The DPA 2018 is a complete data protection system, so as well as governing general data covered by the GDPR, it covers all other general data, law enforcement data and national security data. Furthermore, the Act exercises a number of agreed modifications to the GDPR to make it work for the benefit of the UK in areas such as academic research, financial services and child protection.

ANLP have prepared a series of policy templates for members that can be accessed via your Dashboard when you are logged in ot the website. ANLP cannot advise you as to the DPA 2018 and Privacy Policy statements that are necessary for your business or circumstances. As well as accessing the policy template and amending this so it is relevant o your buinsess, we strongly advise you to read the following information (links below) pertaining to DPA 2018 and to consult with appropriately qualified professionals with a view to procuring a Privacy and GDPR Policy that is specific to your website and your business:

UK Government website 

Information Commissioners Office website

European Union GDPR Website


How do I get my Case Study included in ‘How NLP can Help’ section?

You need to be logged into the website as a Member so you can access the Case Study facility from your dashboard.

When you are logged in, go to your dashboard and click on the Case Studies icon.

There will be an icon inviting you + Create Case Study. Your case studies can now be entered using the template format, which prompts you to answer questions so your case study is well structured and informative.

Any existing case studies will also be listed in this section so your potential clients can read about your success stories and see how proactive you are within the community.

Do check the Members How to Guide for video guidance on this topic.


How do I log in to the ANLP website?

All areas that are members only are highlighted with padlocks, implying you can only access these when logged in. Some areas are only accessible by certain membership levels.

To log in to the website, please select the blue LOGIN icon on the top right of the site. Once logged in, you can access your dashboard, manage your account and all elements of your profile, as well as access members only resources.

If you experience challenges when logging in, please check the following:

  • Are you using the correct email address to log in (this will be the email address your monthly member updates are sent to)?
  • Are you using the correct password? If you cannot remember your password, please click the forgotten my password link to reset your password.
  • If you do not receive the forgotten password link, please check you have entered the correct email address and check your junk folder. If neither of those bring results, please contact us.
  • If you receive any error message, please take a screenshot and email it to us, so we have the specific information required to best support you. 


How do I update my profile or change my contact details (including address)?

How to Update Your Profile Video and Downloadable PDF Guides

You need to be logged in to the website to manage your account and to update your profile.

Once you are logged in, go to your dashboard (top right) and select the Profile section.

Once you are in this area, you will find many tabs containing different information that you are able to update.

To change any of your contact details, including your address, please select the 'Your details' tab.

Remember to scroll to the bottom of the page and click save when you have updated your information!


I’ve purchased a downloadable item from the shop - how do I get my download?

After you have paid for your downloadable items (which includes the Membership CSV files after purchasing accreditations seals or Introductory Memberships), you can access all orders via 'My Orders, which appears at the top right in the same area as the link to your dashboard.

Click on this link and your order history will appear on the screen.

Any order which has a downloadable element, will have a 'Download' link. Click this link to download your order.


My picture won’t upload onto my profile - why?

It is likely that your picture is too big in size for the website server to handle.

Please upload a smaller picture. If you are keen to use a particular photo and want to resize it, there are many free resizing software programmes available to download from the internet (do a web search for image resizing software).

Some Generic software programmes, such as Microsoft, provide image resizing software within their programmes.

Every picture resizer is different, and will react differently depending on your own operating system - we are unable to advise on specific resizing challenges, as we are not IT experts and we would hate to mess something up on your computer!!

If your photo has uploaded, but you can't see it, then please refresh your screen or close and then re-open your profile. Sometimes computers will hold onto previous versions of a web page until you actually close or refresh the screen.


What are my Membership Benefits?

There are many benefits of ANLP membership which you can check in this section.

ANLP is the Independent Professional Body that promotes the ethical and professional application of NLP and allows qualifying members to use appropriate logos to demonstrate that they are current members. Being a member of ANLP gives you and/or your business credibility and completing your profile on this website allows members of the public to search and view your skills and specialities. 

We also offer business-related benefits such as discounts on insurance, hotels and room hire.


Where do I get my discounted insurance?

ANLP members can get discounted insurance as long as they remain a member of ANLP.

For further information and to obtain your quote follow the instructions and link containined in the Discounts page, which is accessible via your dashboard. Please note, you must be logged in as a member to see this information.

More details about our insurance partnership can be found on this page.

ANLP staff are not allowed to answer questions relating to insurance, because ANLP is not regulated by the FCA.


How do I get Support with using my Members Dashboard?

ANLP have a comprehensive Members Support Hub, which contains a number of HOw To Guides as well as details of the Community Cafes, where you can jump on Zoom each month to get your questions answered by ANLP.