The ANLP International CIC website goes…International!

We are launching additional facilities for our Members and website visitors to experience the ANLP website in a choice of languages.

The ANLP International CIC website goes…International!

As the Global Flagbearers for Professional ANLP, this month, we are launching additional facilities for our Members and website visitors so they can experience the whole website in a choice of languages.

We already have members on 5 continents and have an International presence through our International Ambassadors. As a Community Interest Company, we elicit feedback from surveys, Social Media, workshops and interactive discussions.  This feedback has shown that our International Members and Ambassadors would find it even easier to support the clients in their countries, and to spread the positive benefits of NLP even further, if we could translate ALL our content-rich website into different languages…

So, as well as English, by the end of April, the website will be available in:

  • Czech
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish

This is more significant than simply using ‘Google translate’ to convert website content into the language of your choice!

You can find out more about the details and impact of these changes here:

For ANLP Members: International Language Support Facilities for Members

For website users: International Language Support Facilities for Users

Tech Information:

ANLP is using the DeepL Artificial Intelligence (AI) Language Translator for their content translation.

For those who want to know a little more about the technology…

“DeepL is a German AI company that strives to overcome language barriers through artificial intelligence. Since 2017 the DeepL Translator has, according to blind tests, achieved the world’s best translation quality.” accessed 06/04/23


All direct communication with and support offered by the ANLP Team is still only available in English!