International Language Support Facilities for Members

ANLP Members reach out to your potential clients in the languages supported on the ANLP website

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ANLP have introduced significant new international facilities to their website. using the DeepL* Artificial Intelligence (AI) Language Translator!

This means the ANLP website is now fully supporting a number of countries/languages, by offering full content translation as well as a number of additional services for members and users.

Simply click on the flag at the top of the website, to automatically translate content, headings, links, buttons and instructions. Selecting the flag also ensures that the Member Directory Searches will prioritise members in those countries.

Site wide searches will also deliver content in the relevant language, regardless of the language used to originally input the content.

If you would prefer to use the website, including your members dashboard, in your native language, then simply select the flag at the top of the site, and your dashboard framework will be translated.

The international language support facilities on the website have three areas of significance for members:

1. Spoken Languages

There is an additional tab on your profile, which you can use to add any languages that you can converse in when delivering your services. This corresponds with the new addition to the member search facilities, which allows your potential clients to find you based upon the languages you speak.

This particular service allows you to list ALL languages that you speak, from Axxx to Zxxx – please select all that apply.

2. Dashboard

As well as completing the new languages tab on your profile, there are some other language support options on your dashboard:

If you haven’t done it already, you can now write your profile directly in one of the country based languages supported by the website. For example, if you would prefer to write your profile in Spanish, simply select Spanish as the language being used and then write your profile in Spanish.

The opportunity to input your content in one of the supported languages also applies to:

  • Book Reviews
  • Case Studies
  • Events
  • Practice Groups
  • Taster Sessions

The language can be set for these types of content by simply clicking the ‘+ Create…’ button and selecting the language you want to write in from the drop-down list.

Be assured that whilst this content will be translated into English so we can moderate it, we will be unable to edit the content, so the meaning will remain consistent with your language.

3. Client Reviews

When you request a Client Review, the Client can choose to submit the request in one of the supported languages by responding to the email request and selecting one of the supported languages from the Language dropdown list.

Please note that the email sent will be in English, so be sure to write your request in the free text field in the language of your choice.


All direct communication with and support offered by the ANLP Team is still only available in English!

*Technical Details

For those who want to know a little more about the technology…

“DeepL is a German AI company that strives to overcome language barriers through artificial intelligence. Since 2017 the DeepL Translator has, according to blind tests, achieved the world’s best translation quality.” accessed 06/04/23