I died a 1000 times Rapport Archive Stories I died a 1000 times Rapport Issue 62 Publication Date April 28th 2019 Authors Rogan Grant In 2006 I suffered a severe brain injury through an assault that was connected to my job in hospitality. I suffered multiple facial and cranial fractures. I thought I had got off lightly, until the effects started to appear. I knew my memory was affected, and so was my vision, but I expected that to recover quickly; I wasn’t prepared for the reality.... Stories To access the rest of this article, you need to use 1 credit ANLP members get complimentary credits that can be used for purchasing from the Rapport archive - a collection of more than a 1000 high quality articles written by some of the leading voices in the field of NLP. Non-members can buy Rapport credits via the ANLP store. JOIN ANLP BUY RAPPORT CREDITS If you have already purchased this article, you can log in to access it