Divorce April 28th 2019 NLP ‘I just can’t cope with this anymore. My heart is broken into a thousand pieces and I have no future,’ sobbed my new client Emma... Continue reading...
Choosing Focus April 28th 2019 Lifestyle Even though I teach yoga and mindfulness alongside my coaching and therapies, I have to be careful about overextending myself. Since I was ten, teachers... Continue reading...
Problems Helping April 28th 2019 Basic NLP Think of a problem you’re currently up against. There’s the famous Einstein quote about not being able to solve any problem at the level at... Continue reading...
Conscientous Conversation part 2 April 28th 2019 Coaching In the last issue of Rapport I focused on location ecology, specifically looking into some environmental considerations for our coaching. We move now into another... Continue reading...
Survey April 28th 2019 Research Using questionnaires or surveys is a popular method for collecting data in research. It can often be seen as a cheap, quick and easy way... Continue reading...
Fourth Generation April 28th 2019 NLP NLP Fourth Generation is an international co-creation movement exploring and modelling spiritual transformational experiences. It is the study of the subjective experience of Connecting to... Continue reading...
Improving Concentration April 28th 2019 Education Improving concentration in children and young people. I consider concentration skills to be a slightly delicate area. Continue reading...
Tao & NLP April 28th 2019 NLP Everyone appears to have a little bit of knowledge about the Tao; they might not know it’s the Tao Te Ching when they quote it,... Continue reading...
I died a 1000 times April 28th 2019 Stories In 2006 I suffered a severe brain injury through an assault that was connected to my job in hospitality. I suffered multiple facial and cranial... Continue reading...
Walking Talk April 28th 2019 Provoking Debate I first came across NLP over two decades ago and it changed my life. Without NLP I would never have heard about Frank Farrelly and developed... Continue reading...
Fellowship Mindset April 28th 2019 Business We both have our own businesses and have also seen these elements at work in many of our business clients. We have coached businesses to... Continue reading...
Understanding the language of work April 28th 2019 Author Interview For the last 16 years I’ve worked exclusively on delivering behaviourally-based learning and development – focusing not on what people do, but the way they... Continue reading...
Taming Dragons April 28th 2019 NLP Is there any creature more enigmatic than the human being? We explore the universe and build devices that transport ideas through time and space. We... Continue reading...
Passion In Action April 28th 2019 NLP Conference The Passion in Action masterclass is a day for everyone. It’s a day for us to come together as an NLP community and work out... Continue reading...
Hole in Bucket April 28th 2019 Professional Development In my early marketing career, I was lucky enough to work with some of the country’s best-known brands, from most of the UK’s major charities... Continue reading...
Dementia April 28th 2019 Health Dementia can be defined as ‘a term used to describe a constellation of behavioural signs and symptoms of intellectual [neurological] dysfunction due to widely varying... Continue reading...