Stress Rapport Archive Alternative Approaches Stress Rapport Issue 52 Publication Date September 28th 2016 Authors Reb Veale I often find it helpful to redefine terms when I am exploring them and a mentor of mine defines stress as 'when our perceived ability to cope and resources is outweighed by the perceived level of pressure'. As an NLPer, I am immediately drawn to the words 'perceived', which NLP sees as a subjective construct. And this explains how two people will find the same situation variously stressful or take it in their stride.... Alternative Approaches To access the rest of this article, you need to use 1 credit ANLP members get complimentary credits that can be used for purchasing from the Rapport archive - a collection of more than a 1000 high quality articles written by some of the leading voices in the field of NLP. Non-members can buy Rapport credits via the ANLP store. JOIN ANLP BUY RAPPORT CREDITS If you have already purchased this article, you can log in to access it