The value of modelling projects July 28th 2020 NLP in Practice Modelling is the core methodology through which NLP was developed and continues to develop, so that forms my bias here: that modelling is not only... Continue reading...
Evolving NLP April 28th 2020 Provoking Debate When beginning to write this article, as someone in love with language – how it informs and forms – it occurred to me to start... Continue reading...
NLP Awards October 28th 2019 NLP Conference The task of selecting worthy finalists and winners would be easy. We would ask some experienced and knowledgeable people to send in their nominations, sift... Continue reading...
Stress September 28th 2016 Alternative Approaches I often find it helpful to redefine terms when I am exploring them and a mentor of mine defines stress as 'when our perceived ability to... Continue reading...
Leadership Development August 28th 2015 Business As a trainer, facilitator and coach; it is important to me that I consistently consider the impact of the frameworks, tools and models that I... Continue reading...