Thinking Therapeutically

Thinking Therapeutically provides a rare insight into the world of two experienced therapists as they recall their own enlightening journeys to becoming therapists.

Thinking Therapeutically ISBN: 987-184590677-1

Thinking Therapeutically

By Tom Barber and Sandra Westland

RRP: £12.70

Crown House; 1 edition (9 Dec. 2010)

Therapy & Psychotherapy


Purchase Review

Thinking Therapeutically provides a rare insight into the world of two experienced therapists as they recall their own enlightening journeys to becoming therapists. Tom Barber and Sandra Westland offer a number of verbatim accounts of their most memorable sessions, along with a personal processing of each session and, more importantly, a critical analysis of each other s work. Therapists are often provided with a number of theories, approaches and techniques they are told will be therapeutic, but without any guidance as to whether they will help a particular client. This book provides an opportunity to see these ideas in action and gives some essential critique as to what did and what did not work in the sessions described. The authors offer us insight and guidance into the world of creativity which will open up to us when we engage with clients within their own paradigms. Tom and Sandra bring their own personal touch to this book, never before seen with this degree of honesty and transparency. In sharing their work they provide both new and experienced therapists with unique insights that only the seasoned practitioner can possess.

A Valuable Insight into NLP Techniques used within Hypnotherapy

This is a practical guide to newly-qualified practitioners, but its value goes much further than that. In fact, a practitioner hoping to lift some handy guidelines effortlessly from the book might well be disappointed. However she would be far more delighted to be given a real insight in the book into the richness of the hypnotherapeutic relationship using NLP techniques.

The authors, though do not shrink from the layers of difficulty that can undermine this relationship: whether these come from clients who choose to end their sessions just when there seems to be progress, or from moments when the authors recognize that their own experiences could impede their approach, or from occasions where the two authors disagree about the way they would manage a particular situation or moment.

This layering of the therapeutic relationship is reflected in the format of the book, which refuses to be one kind of narrative alone: it is part background to the session, part transcript, part reflection by the therapist, part interjection and comment by the co-author, and each session ends with an update of what happened next.

Both hypnosis and NLP aim to give the client greater choice: the book explores traditional and creative techniques of hypnosis, such as regression techniques in order to build a new, protective relationship between an adult self and a damaged child self. The authors also adopt NLP techniques within hypnotherapy in a way that makes complete sense to the therapist’s aim and enhances the client’s experience of the session. Whichever way the authors choose to build their sessions, they remain aligned to their aim of exploring not “what to do” with the client, but “how to be” with the client, in order to create purpose and meaning within the session.

Not a handbook, but something altogether more useful.

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