Nina Madden

Nina Madden

International Trainer of NLP & Life Coaching. Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, EMDR Therapist. Two decades in private practice.

Hello and welcome

I’m Nina Madden, nice to meet you!

I've been a Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner with a thriving full-time private practice in Kensington London since 2007. I am a qualified EMDR therapist and an accredited trainer of NLP, Hypnotherapy and Life Coaching. I’ve worked for almost twenty years helping people unlock their true potential and been a member of ANLP for almost as long.

This is how you can work with me 👇

Life Coaching

Life Coaching for Life Changes™

Life Coaching helps you change your life, to create a new future that is uniquely yours, and become the person you want to be.

Life Coaching is a process of directed enquiry, deep listening and powerful questioning that helps you dig deep, understand yourself better and create an authentic and meaningful future that is uniquely yours. 

Life coaching helps you become an inspiration to yourself.™

We can work on a single goal (like ride a motorcycle across Africa), or focus on a specific area of your life (organisation/ relationships/ time management/ career) or we can create a whole new vision for your future.

Life Coaching helps you create a life that makes you happy.

NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming Therapy or Coaching

NLP for Therapeutic Transformation™

NLP is method and approach that has its roots firmly in the therapy of Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson.

NLP is a specific approach which includes tools, techniques, methods that (like hypnosis) work directly with the unconscious mind.  

With NLP we can overcome limiting beliefs, negative behaviours and self-sabotage. We can remove the inner barriers and obstacles to your authentic and unique success fast.

NLP is different from CBT. CBT tries to work from the outside in.  But you can’t think your way out of anxiety, triggers, anger, or addictions. The power of NLP is that it works on the unconscious mind and fast. NLP may not be therapy but the impact is deeply therapeutic. 

EMDR – Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing

EMDR and Healing of the Self™

EMDR is a well-established trauma therapy originally established in the US for the treatments of PTSD mainly with war veterans.

It has since been recognised for its impact on a wide range of symptoms including imposter syndrome, anxiety, hidden addictions, stress, depression, fatigue, overwhelm and lack of joie de vivre.

EMDR is surprisingly effective on negative self-beliefs, the inner critic, low self-esteem, fear of failure, lack of confidence, anxiety and imposter syndrome.

The outcome of EMDR therapy is a completely different relationship with Self. Triggers, anxieties and unwanted behaviours can be resolved very fast. 

EMDR is very different from talking psychotherapy. It works fast and is deep. 

Training to become a Life Coach and NLP Master

ICF Accredited Diploma in Professional Coaching with NLP Mastery. Including exciting modules on Metaphors, Archetypes, storytelling, and Hero’s Journey.

What You Get 👩‍🎓

This is an in-depth professional training to become a qualified Life Coach and NLP Master Practitioner that goes beyond NLP and Life Coaching to include powerful modules on storytelling, metaphors, Archetypes and Hero’s Journey.

This training is for people who are serious about their careers as Life Coaches and NLP Masters. Quality and depth are important, and they want to have a profound impact on their client’s lives.

It takes place over seven weeks of LIVE Zoom training (two full days per week) with an additional three months’ mentoring.

It’s accredited by the ICF, Endorsed by the ILM, Accredited by the ABNLP and I have been a member of ANLP since 2007.

Why Courage?

I named my school The Courage Coaching Academy because great coaching requires courage. 

The word courage originates from Old Latin, Cor, meaning HEART. The seat of emotions. Our innermost feelings.

We say to follow our heart, heart-felt, whole-heartedly. When we en-courage we give heart. And we talk about take heart and not losing heart. 

It’s within our hearts that we find our courage.

Life cannot be lived without courage.

Why Nina?

I’m an expert facilitator and trainer. I bring together years of firsthand experience with clients with a deep passion for facilitating inspiring learning environments.

By applying structured Time to Think™ facilitation principles, she creates a supportive, organised, inspiring and non-judgemental environment where everyone matters, and it is safe to be you.

Learning happens through a varied flow of engaging content pieces, demonstrations, and bite-size practices that cumulate into whole-form coaching sessions using the powerful tools and techniques of Life Coaching, NLP, storytelling, archetypes and Hero’s Journey.

There is nothing transactional about my approach. 

It's hands-on interactive and you will be coaching and practicing your NLP from day one.

T‍raining - What You Will Learn 👩‍🎓

ICF Accredited Life Coaching is a process of directed enquiry, deep listening and powerful questioning. At its core Life Coaching uses methods and tools to unlock the most beautiful potential within the client.

As a professional Life Coach you will help your clients create an authentic and meaningful future that is uniquely theirs and makes them happy.

NLP at Mastery Level. NLP is method and approach that has its roots firmly in the therapy of Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson.

With NLP you will help your clients to resolve deeply unconscious conflicts, pains, anxieties, triggers at core level without the need for years of therapy.

Metaphors work on the deepest parts of the unconscious mind and influence and direct our thoughts, beliefs and behaviours without us ever knowing it.

By learning how to work with your clients’ metaphors (David Grove/ Clean Language), you’ll go much deeper with your clients than most other coaches ever will.

Archetypes are universal energies that influence our qualities; healer, sage, advocate, guide, are common archetypes amongst people of our profession.

By having a deeper understanding of archetypes that goes beyond the most common ones such as king / queen (which to be honest not many of us embody) you’ll be able to help your clients understand their true nature and help them shift identity beliefs.

Hero’s Journey is a narrative structure identified by Joseph Cambell, the author of a Hero with a Thousand Faces.

In this training you will learn to understand the different stages of the Hero’s Journey such as the world of the mundane, the call to adventure, the refusal of the call. You will learn to help your clients understand the meaning behind their challenges, flip the victim narrative and make sense of their own story.

We complete the journey together by sharing our Hero’s Journey stories.

Start working with me

📞 Book your call today

Message can also message me anytime

Your message will be fully confidential, and I aim to reply within 24-48 hours.

Look forward to speaking with you


📧[email protected] 



NLP Practitioner

Trained by Whole Being

NLP Master Practitioner

Trained by The Performance Partnership

NLP Trainer

Trained by Sue Knight

NLP Coach

Trained by The Coaching Academy

Specialist skills

  • Breakthrough Sessions
  • Business Coaching
  • Career Change
  • Confidence Building
  • Eating Disorders
  • Facilitation
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Limiting Beliefs
  • Memory Strategies
  • Motivation
  • Phobias
  • Relationships
  • Stress Management
  • Team Building

Spoken languages

  • English

Practice/Training Locations

World-wide London Hybrid

Offers virtual sessions

Training offered

  • Introductory
  • Diploma
  • Practitioner
  • Master Practitioner
  • Specialised Workshops

Recognised / regulated by

  • ILM

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Laxmi Hariharan

A review by Laxmi Hariharan

Nina is extremely insightful & sensitive in her approach. I first met her three years ago and had an NLP session. Her timeline exercise where she made me visualise my life as I wanted it to be changed my life. I told her then that I was going to publish my book. Fastforward to today and I did do so. Thanks Nina for your passion and for being a great friend.
Laxmi Hariharan

I have not yet reviewed any books.