How to Add Your Courses and Workshops

These guides demonstrate how to add single and multiple module courses and workshops via your members dashboard

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The improved Courses/Workshops section of the dashboard does require a methodical, step by step approach, so we have created 2 separate How to Guides, which can be downloaded and followed...step by step!


A 5 minute video to give that big picture overview:

Single module = a course that runs on consecutive days, without any days off eg a 5 day course from Monday to Friday in one week

Multiple Module = a course that runs over a number of grouped days eg a 9 day course that runs over three modules of 3 days each

The courses/workshop section of the dashboard now contains 3 separate elements:

  1. Courses/Workshops Library
  2. Modules (for multiple module courses only)
  3. Dates

The workflow for setting up your courses is in that order!

PDF Guide for Adding Single Module Courses and Workshops

PDF Guide for Adding Multiple Module Courses and Workshops