NLP Certification Structure Whilst NLP is an unregulated profession, it does have a universally agreed certification structure, some of which have prerequisites... Continue reading... Master Trainer NLP Certification NLP Trainer Trainers Training
How to Choose a Good NLP Trainer If you are considering NLP Training for yourself, you may be wondering how to decide which Trainer is the `right` one for you. Continue reading... NLP Trainer Trainers Training
Course Lengths NLP course length is variable depending on which training company you choose. Certificated Practitioner course lengths vary as do Diploma, Master Practitioner and Trainers Training. Continue reading... NLP Trainer
Key Learnings from Delivering NLP Training on Zoom With NLP Trainers having to become more resourceful in delivering quality training during the pandemic lockdown, here are some tips for training online. Continue reading... NLP Trainer coronavirus covid-19
Train in NLP or Engage an NLP Professional? The saying goes "give a person a fish, feed them for a day"…teach a person to fish, they feed themselves for a lifetime…" Continue reading... ANLP Member NLP Accreditation NLP Trainer Professionalism
Due Diligence Assistance Like many professions, the level of professionalism shown by those in it can vary, sometimes widely, even within those professions which are regulated. Continue reading... Due diligence NLP Accreditation NLP Trainer Professionalism
Minimum NLP Practitioner Course Content If you are checking out courses, you may find this recommended minimum core content for a Practitioner course useful: Continue reading... NLP Trainer Practitioner Content
Hire a Professional or Train your Staff? Do I bring an NLP Professional in to carry out some training or do I get some of my own staff trained in NLP?’ Continue reading... Customer Service Management Skills NLP Trainer