NLP and Academic research - an evitable liaison March 28th 2008 Provoking Debate There are some compelling reasons why NLP should be seeking to develop an evidence base for the approach, tools and techniques. There are also some... Continue reading...
Flight of the sea eagle March 28th 2008 NLP We humans are paradoxical creatures. Our longing for security leads us to build up our self-identity and self-importance to the extent that people commonly speak... Continue reading...
Bosnia March 28th 2008 International Last year, I got the opportunity to go to Bosnia to do some voluntary work with an organisation called Phoenix Aid. Sarah Greenwood and Karen... Continue reading...
How to pass exams easily March 28th 2008 Education Are you the type of person that relishes the challenge an exam brings, or does the very word ‘test’ send you into a frenzy of... Continue reading...
Al Gosling March 28th 2008 Celebrity I confess I was a little anxious about interviewing entrepreneur Al Gosling, high-energy founder of the Extreme Group of businesses. In preparation for the interview I... Continue reading...
Practice Makes Peferct March 28th 2008 End Note Have you spent several thousand pounds learning NLP? Just like me! Have you found NLP life changing? I certainly have. At first I wanted to... Continue reading...
The Prosperity Game March 28th 2008 Author Interview Steve Nobel, author of The Prosperity Game [Findhorn Press, 2006] and a Director at Alternatives, blends spirituality (he trained in Shamanism and other spiritual traditions)... Continue reading...
David Grove March 28th 2008 NLP People Best known as the inspiration behind Penny Tomkins and James Lawleys’ Metaphors in the Mind and Clean Language, David Grove’s recent death has saddened people... Continue reading...
Now is the place for women who mean business March 28th 2008 Business Dee Shipman is on a campaign to change how women are perceived in business and it isn’t just the male culture of business that she... Continue reading...
Method for wholesale acceptance March 28th 2008 Lifestyle Before meeting Dr John Demartini, I’d heard him speak a few times and was always startled by the amount of travelling and speaking he does.... Continue reading...
Do you have a good work life balance March 28th 2008 Coaching Balance sounds simple but it’s an ongoing challenge for most people. From statistics about people missing work through stress to mothers alternatively being told they... Continue reading...
Positive intentions underlies all behaviour March 28th 2008 Basic NLP The conference team led by Jo Hogg organised a cornucopia of workshops and mini sessions by both leading and lesser known NLP trainers, authors and... Continue reading...
The reframe game and how to win it March 28th 2008 Professional Development As NLP practitioners, we understand the importance of reframing things in a positive way. But how often to we get a chance to really test... Continue reading...
The Map May Not Be The Territory March 28th 2008 NLP Mind Maps have become a very useful and versatile tool for expressing and understanding concepts and for developing ideas. Andy Coote, a mind mapper himself... Continue reading...
Qualitative Studies a blueprint for success at keepmoat March 28th 2008 Research Keepmoat operates within the extremely competitive housing market, refurbishing social housing and building social housing for rent and private housing for sale. It has a... Continue reading...