Hypnosis as hearing aid June 28th 2006 NLP Nikki Crocker had meningitis at the age of 7, which made her deaf. She has been able to communicate under hypnosis with her eyes closed. Continue reading...
Dyslexia June 28th 2006 Education Joanna Goodman investigates a coaching technique developed by ANLP member Mavis Kerrigan that appears to help beat dyslexia. Continue reading...
Insomnia June 28th 2006 Provoking Debate Traditionally, GPs would prescribe tablets for people with sleeping problems, but their approach is more sophisticated these days. Yet a GP still won't just refer... Continue reading...
Gym Workouts using NLP June 28th 2006 Lifestyle Can using NLP help you stick at the gym? William Little finds out. Joining the local gym and attending it are two very different activities. Continue reading...
Running Workshops June 28th 2006 Professional Development Hannah McNamara, CEO of HRM Coaching, says that running a workshop puts most people in fear, but she offers some simple solutions. Continue reading...
Michael Neill June 28th 2006 NLP People It was once said that if superman needed a coach it would be Michael Neill, now he has written a book for mere mortals Continue reading...
Memory June 28th 2006 NLP Having a good memory isn’t a birth right, you can remember all you want if you have the right attitude and the right techniques. Continue reading...
Happiness June 28th 2006 Health Patricia shares her tips for increasing your happiness level: First, practice kindness. Select a day of the week on which... Continue reading...
NLP and Meglomania June 28th 2006 End Note Can NLP be used unethically by power mad megalomaniacs? William Little says he’s met a few and would rather he hadn’t Continue reading...
Jumoke Fashola June 28th 2006 Celebrity Jumoké Fashola, presenter of 'Inspirit', the BBC London 94.9 Sunday morning radio programme, has recently caused a slight stir in the NLP community by focusing... Continue reading...
Making the impossible possible June 28th 2006 Coaching Life coach Kathryn White helped Michael McGrath, diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, to be the first disabled person to reach the south and north poles. Continue reading...