Published in Rapport 53 - Winter 2016

Rapport 53 - Winter 2016

In this issue, we feature an interview with Robbie Steinhouse, Entrepreneur, Businessman and NLP Coach; Peter Causton explores the changes in ADR legislation that may effect your business; James Sweetman questioins what you really want; Daksha Malik proposes 7 reasons for attending professional conferences; Suzanne Henwood discusses Research mentoring; Karen Meager and John McLachlan explore what makes ‘real healthy families’. Plus all our regular features and some new ones too.


Through deliberate breakthrough sessions or strong reactions to certain exercises or even a more ordinary seeming coaching session, NLP can break us open. ‘Just when...
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I began this series on research in November 2011. My passion was to support NLP professionals to undertake research, to share basic skills and to encourage...
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