Panic Attacks and Emotional Issues I had my first consultation for a 19 year old emotional problem, which had grown, leading to daily panic attacks, fear and emotional torment. Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin Case studies Anxiety and Stress Panic Attacks and Emotional Issues April 5th 2019 Anxiety and Stress I have just left my NLP Coach, Sarah, having had my final session with her and I can say that for the first time in 19 years my mind feels totally free, settled and finally at peace with itself. I had my first consultation for a 19 year old emotional problem, which had grown, leading to panic attacks, fear and emotional torment on a daily basis. I had received counselling on a couple of occasions many years ago, which although helped to unburden me of some problems I had, it didn`t help me with my daily emotional battles. I contacted Sarah and felt that with her understanding of the mind (NLP) combined with her hypnotherapy she may be able to help me with my problems, although I was not very optimistic having suffered with this problem for so many years. I went along to my first session and time was spent going through my personal history of how I arrived at the point of being here and although the session for me was extremely emotional and exhausting it was such a relief to be speaking to someone who was totally understanding and who was so confident that she could help me remove this problem that continually drained me and dominated my life. Over the next few weeks Sarah gave me the tools and understanding to view my emotional feelings in a completely different way. She gave me different techniques to try to see what suited me and together with her vast knowledge she gave me different avenues to explore which was very refreshing. At no time did I feel any pressure from Sarah to follow a certain path. It was very much up to me to work with what I felt comfortable with. It is now the beginning of July and I have just had my final session with Sarah. I cannot believe that I am now at this stage just 4 1/2 months on and that my emotional problems are now just a distant memory and not something that dictates and rules my life. I actually feel free and no longer trapped. My mind is now at peace and it has so much positive energy. I have to say that this really has been a life changing experience for me and I cannot thank my NLP Coach enough for how she has helped me. My only regret is that I did not meet her 19 years ago.