Happy Healthy Sober April 28th 2021 Author Interview How have you and your clients fared on the ‘lockdown drinking’ statistics? A growing number of people have confessed to ‘self-medicating’, drinking more alcohol than... Continue reading...
Celebrating Life's Milestones April 28th 2021 Basic NLP When did you last take the time to celebrate an enormous accomplishment? What about a smaller achievement? How about all the little steps on the... Continue reading...
What's your sentence April 28th 2021 Education Retirement brings with it the opportunity to reflect, to take account and above all to ask the question, So, what was that all about? I... Continue reading...
Lessons from the world of ocean activism April 28th 2021 Coaching When we hear terms like ‘tackling the climate crisis’ and reference to ‘reducing CO2 emissions’, some people will find it really simple to translate this... Continue reading...
TPP & NLP Essex County Council April 28th 2021 NLP in Practice Essex County Council (ECC) wanted to explore innovative ways in which to support staff working in young people’s supported housing to build their organisational and... Continue reading...
Taking care of those who take care of others April 28th 2021 NLP People The pandemic and our ongoing efforts to respond to it have cast a sharp focus on who and what is really important in our lives:... Continue reading...
How to create an NLP Business that changes the world April 28th 2021 Business When I first encountered NLP, I knew it was a methodology that could improve everyone’s lives. I saw that knowledge as a great responsibility to... Continue reading...
Stories - Turning Red to Blue April 28th 2021 Stories He was a very bright boy, but this was affecting his education and future career prospects. No one had been seriously hurt yet, but he... Continue reading...
Celebrating NLP - Looking back at Rapport April 28th 2021 Celebrating NLP In this 70th issue of Rapport magazine, we celebrate some of the breakthroughs that NLP has been a part of in the world since the... Continue reading...
ANLP - A model of fellowship April 28th 2021 NLP Suppose we were to tell you about an organisation that has successfully championed the contribution that NLP can make personally, professionally, individually and organisationally; has... Continue reading...
Professional Standards April 28th 2021 Professional Development We now have the Professional Standards Module on the ANLP website. Members can go to their dashboard and add documentation to prove the CPD they... Continue reading...
ANLP Blog Covid & Relationships April 28th 2021 End Note There are no objective experiences in life. Some situations can appear incredibly awful and emotionally challenging for someone, while for others decently good. This difference... Continue reading...
Ventral Vagal Anchors April 28th 2021 NLP At the time, I didn’t understand that my trauma history meant I was doing well to be able to override the default self-loathing even temporarily... Continue reading...
Dynamic Spin Release April 28th 2021 NLP Over time, we have noticed that most problem states or negative emotions seem to be spinning in one direction, while positive states and emotions spin... Continue reading...
How to revise for an exam during uncertainty April 28th 2021 Modelling Projects Back in 2019, I was training for my Master Practitioner certification when the question was posed “Identify WHAT you want to model and WHO you... Continue reading...
Yoga & NLP April 28th 2021 Health How has the last year been for you? A year of uncertainty, almost certainly. A year of challenge, most probably. A year of change, perhaps?... Continue reading...
NLP Changed my life April 28th 2021 NLP In the beginning, most NLP trainers were part-time therapists. When searching for a way to make a living, someone had the bright idea of teaching... Continue reading...