Curiosity and Leadership

Curiosity and Leadership
Rapport Issue


Publication Date

January 28th 2022


Kevin Downsworth

Envy is probably not a desirable trait. Honesty probably is. To be honest, I’ve always been a little envious of those people who seem to have a clear plan of where they are going in life and their career. Maybe it’s their apparent certainty that I’m a little suspicious of. Suspicion may also not be a useful perspective. Hearing this outpouring of honesty from someone who loudly bangs the NLP ‘well-formed outcomes’ drum may surprise the reader. The sense of ‘knowing where you are going’ is indeed to be commended and sought after, but I believe it is also useful to keep oneself open to opportunities when they arise and follow them with a sense of intrigue, curiosity and old-fashioned...

NLP in Practice

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