Mood Control & School performance Rapport Archive Education Mood Control & School performance Rapport Issue 66 Publication Date April 28th 2020 Authors David Hodgson I write this article as rain slices through a charcoal Manchester sky and raindrops punch the roof of my car. Sometimes it's better to be inside looking out. The storm deluging the UK is called Dennis. Naming things is important. Since storms have been named the reporters have an extra swagger. They stand atop a precarious bridge clutching a mic tightly as their hair swings across their contorted faces before cutting to an earlier sequence in which we see a bemused granny in a dinghy, being guided by a partially submerged fireman, down a river that was the high street three hours ago. Naming things is important. Though perhaps storms could be given more dramatic names like Thor or Destruction rather... Education To access the rest of this article, you need to use 1 credit ANLP members get complimentary credits that can be used for purchasing from the Rapport archive - a collection of more than a 1000 high quality articles written by some of the leading voices in the field of NLP. Non-members can buy Rapport credits via the ANLP store. JOIN ANLP BUY RAPPORT CREDITS If you have already purchased this article, you can log in to access it