Naši E.P.I.C. ANLP ambasadori.

Imamo rastuću grupu ambasadora u ANLP-u, kako međunarodnih tako i regionalnih... i sada nas predstavljaju ambasadori na 4 kontinenta...

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Naši E.P.I.C. ANLP ambasadori.

Imamo rastuću grupu ambasadora u ANLP-u, i internacionalnu i regionalnu... i sada nas predstavljaju ambasadori na 4 kontinenta...

E.P.I.C. stands for Ethical, Professional, Integrity and Credible.  That's what our Ambassadors are.  They represent the epitome of "Walking the NLP Talk" and actively work within the NLP community to promote NLP standards and ANLP's status as the leading independent Professional body for NLP.

Program ambasadora ANLP-a je živahan i svi naši ambasadori rade sa nama na podizanju svesti o NLP van NLP zajednice kroz lokalne sastanke, medijske članke i deljenje njihovih misli i NLP uspeha na našim platformama društvenih medija. 

Tokom pandemije COVID-19, naši ambasadori su bili na čelu stvaranja resursa za radnike na frontu, pronalazeći najsavremeniju tehnologiju za pružanje obuke i podrške i radeći sa nama na stvaranju okvira u okviru kojeg virtuelne NLP usluge mogu da se isporučuju etički i bezbedno za sve strane.

We rely on our Ambassadors to give us frequent and open feedback on what they are experiencing in the big wide world in which they operate.  They suggest ways in which we can adapt and add to what we do and what we provide for all Members.  This includes new resources for best practices in delivering NLP service, new insights into how NLP can be applied in different situations and within different businesses and collaborative initiatives to promote the brand of NLP.  We hold regular discussions with groups of our Ambassadors where they exchange ideas and bring ideas into action (COVID-19 Resources and delivery of Virtual NLP Training being great examples).  We continue to work with them to spread the word as far as as possible korist od pozitivnih koristi za koje svi znamo da su moguće.

Naši ANLP ambasadori nam nude... i vi... jedan od najboljih informacionih resursa koje imamo i zaista smo zahvalni na njihovom prisustvu u ANLP-u.

Naši regionalni ambasadori

Naši međunarodni ambasadori