ANLP International CIC
Udruženje za NLP
Osnaživanje NLP profesionalaca
Ove kartice su neprocenjivo sredstvo za trenere, terapeute, trenere i sve koji žele da unaprede svoje komunikacione veštine.
Bez zaliha
The Milton Model provides a set of language patterns artful in their vagueness. Adopting these patterns takes us away from detail and content towards deeper levels of thinking. It encourages new levels of creativity, the generation of new ideas and solutions to problems.
Prednja strana svake kartice ima primer svakog od glavnih obrazaca zajedno sa objašnjenjem obrasca.
The back of each card has a "template" sentence for each of the patterns. Develop your fluency by using the phrases one at a time, then pick 4 or 5 cards at random and string the phrases together.
As well as the key language patterns, you have 15 embedded command cards. These give you a variety of ways to deliver a message or outcome statement whilst avoiding conscious resistance – usually by confusing or distracting the logical and linear conscious (thinking) mind.
Ne znam koliko brzo ćete savladati korišćenje ovih kartica. Neki ljudi brzo nauče Milton model, a za druge je potrebno višečasovno zabave!