Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Recognition Gary was the CEO of a major entertainment company. He wanted business coaching, despite there being no major problems. Share Tweet LinkedIn Pin Case studies Business Mentoring Sunday Times Top 100 Companies Recognition Posted by Jeremy Lazarus on March 13th 2019 Business Mentoring The challenge Gary was the CEO of a major entertainment company. He approached me for some business coaching. Whilst there was no obvious problem, as with many CEOs they value and benefit from external business coaching to give them a different perspective on their professional (and sometimes personal) challenges. I coached Gary for around 4 years. Quite early on, he mentioned that his time management had become less effective, and he wanted to explore ways to become even more effective in his role. The effect Although there wasn’t a major problem and the business was doing well, Gary wanted to take the company as far forward as he could. In the 4 years working together, we explored several coaching topics. Solution One topic we explored was time management. His business had many clients, and around 10 of them currently accounted for around 50% of the profits. I asked, ‘how much time do you spend on them?’ ‘Around 15%’. ‘How much time would he ideally spend on them?’ ‘Around 30%’. We spent the rest of the session exploring what he could delegate or stop doing in order to spend an extra 30% of his time with his main clients. Result The business posted record profits in two consecutive years, and was listed in ‘The Sunday Times’ top 100 companies to work for. As CEO, it reflected brilliantly on Gary. Jeremy Lazarus NLP Master Trainer, specialising in NLP for Coaching, Business and Sport